About Me!

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I'm Dulce Espinoza, My name is Mexican.
I'm 19 years old and last year I got married. Living in district three I've grown up training for the games. My mother and father want me to volunteer this year since it's my last but my husband Isaac doesn't want me too since he was in the games last year and knows the traumatising feeling you get after. I now have to choose between my parents and the love of my life.

While training for the games I've picked up a knack for knifes and hand to hand combat. I'm also really fast the fastest in my classes in the academy.

I have a brother (Carlos Espinoza) and a sister (Mariam Espinoza). Carlos is three years older than me he lives with his wife Katherine and Mariam is only thirteen and still lives with my mother (Maria) and father (Juan).

Now I know what your thinking if your married why do you still have your madden name? Well that's because here in district three you are not aloud to get married until you are no longer aloud to go in the games. meaning we can't tell the peacekeepers until after this reaping.

- Love Nikita

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