Part 2: finding the place and getting hired.

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You look for the office.

A lady says : hi dear! what would you like to find?

You respond with a smile: Do you know a man named by Onceler?

The lady responds: Oh! yes he is the c.e.o of this place, need something?

You respond again: im here to be hired.

The lady responds back: Oh! its on the top of the floor, dont press the button 101, its to call 911 if you get stuck in the elevator. 

you respond last time: okay! thanks for helping me. Bye!

The lady nods and walks away.

You go to the elevator, you press the number of the top of the floor (I am not sure about what floor he works in.) you see a lady and she stops you.

Do you know that onceler is busy?

she says.

You respond: Oh, is he? im trying to find a job here.

the lady responds: oh! sorry, i didnt know! please , go ahead!

you smile and go.

you knock on the door, some man shouts: Come in!

you come in and sit on the chair.

he asks you

okay, so why do you want to be hired?

you respond: Because i got kicked out of the workplace i worked in before,

and why? he asks.

they gave me no reason. you say

okay, so are you good with computers? our last worker quit that job. he says

Yes i am indeed! im actaully good with computers, so that shouldnt be a problem, right? you say

okay, so your job starts at monday 9am, ends at 5pm, is that good? he says

Yes, thats very great. You respond

if you ever wanna change time just tell me, okay?  he responds

okay, thanks for telling me! you respond.

oh and one last thing, fill this paperwork and your hired. ok? give it to me at sunday. he says

okay! got it. you take the paperwork and go home.

part 3 coming soon if i dont forget about wattpad...

Onceler x FemreaderWhere stories live. Discover now