i'm your idiot, though

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it was back to reality after a whirlwind few days.

"so what does this mean? are you guys dating?" yana questioned eagerly as we sat in morrells and i recalled the events of the past couple of days. "i can't believe you kissed leah!" she scolded, smacking me on the head.

"ow! what the hell yana!" i groaned. "and no, we aren't dating. i mean, i don't think so, i'm just as confused as you to be honest"

yana smiled like a kid in a sweet shop. "this is so exciting! i told you i like sam better! i knew that girl felt something for you. oh my god, can i tell jessie!" she whisper-shouted, excitedly.

jessie and yana were 'officially official' now - yana's own words. i was more than happy for her. she deserved someone like jessie, sweet and caring. as opposite as they were - jessie more reserved and shy, yana extremely outgoing and as loud as a bloody boombox when she wanted to be - they fit together perfectly. i wondered if me and sam would ever be officially official.

"no you can't tell jessie! you can't tell anyone yan, i mean it. there's nothing to even tell yet!"

yana pouted. matthew morrell approached the table, placing two to-go cups down, one in front of me and the other in front of yana. "the usuals for my favourite customers" he said with a smile. he looked to my chelsea tracksuit. "hm, think you lose the right to be a favourite customer when you come in here with that on, ella" he added, provoking a snort laugh from yana and a smack from me.

"you know you love me, matt"

he smiled, and said "enjoy work, judas", winking as he walked way. i flipped him off behind his back.

"right" yana began, rising from her seat. "ready to go ells?"


i loved when yana drove me anywhere. she was a crazy driver, scary at times, but it was still fun. she'd driven me to every session so far. i was forever grateful for her. it helped being in a car with her, she was just so fun and carefree that everything else would just disappear.

a prime example of what i'm talking about in perfect timing - the all too familiar sound of pop-rock guitar seeped through the radio and yana lit up.

"oh my god, i love this song!" she exclaimed, turning the radio up so loud i couldn't hear myself think. here we go, i thought. yana took a deep breath before..

"chill out, what ya yellin' for? lay back, it's all been done before and if, you could only let it be..." i smiled at the sight of yana bobbing her head back and forth, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel as we stopped at a light.

"you will see i like you the way you are, when we're driving in your car and you're talking to me one on one, but you become.." she stopped abruptly, snapping her head towards me. "come on, ells, your turn! sing!"

i sighed, but obliged. "somebody else 'round everyone else, you're watching your back like you can't relax" i sang at the top of my lungs attempting to release absolutely all the stress in my body. "you try to be cool, you look like a fool to me, tell me"

yana joined back in as we sang the chorus together, her head still bobbing and myself now dancing away in the passenger seat.

"why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? i see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated, life's like this, you, you fall, and you crawl, and you break and you take what you get, and you turn it into honesty and promise me I'm never gonna find you faking"

"no! no! no!" we sang our hearts out in unison as yana turned into cobham. she swerved into a parking space and turned the radio down after we heard a knock on the window. it was sam. i rolled my window down immediately.

"hey sam!" yana shouted, excitedly.

"hey, yana, right?" sam questioned, her accent strong when she said the girls name. yana just nodded in respone. "hey, hayes", sam greeted me, a little more flirty than she had greeted yana.

"hey superstar" i beamed.

"so, was that actually you singing or do you have a screaming goat in the backseat?" sam questioned sarcastically, popping her head through the window pretending to scan the backseats. way to ruin the moment kerr, i thought. i put my palm to her forehead, pushing her out the window.

getting out the car, i waved goodbye to yana, who was backing out of the carpark, before turning back to sam. "i hate you" i muttered.

she raised an eyebrow, a smirk plastered on her face. "do you?" she questioned, biting her lip. "do you really?"

i felt a blush creep up on my cheeks, but i shook it off. "you're an idiot"

she leaned in close to whisper to me, without breaking eye contact. "i'm your idiot, though"

i shut my eyes tightly in an attempt to not fall victim to the curse of sam kerr's intoxicating stare. i pushed her away, playfully, reopening my eyes. "you're so.."

"so what?" she asked before i could finish. "so talented? gorgeous? funny?"

"well you're definitely not humble, that's for sure" i snorted.

"and you're definitely not good at pretending to not be attracted to me" she quipped before walking away, leaving me in the car park. my mouth hung open as she turned around to wink at me before disappearing into the building.


the girls' training session had concluded about an hour ago. i'd had a few physio appointments with the likes of lauren james and millie bright who were undergoing rehabilitation for injuries they had picked up. i was done for the day. i was just packing up when i heard a knock at the door. that's weird, i thought. no one was scheduled in. i made my way over to the door, opening it to reveal bethany england.

"hey" she said, "eleanor, right? hayes' daughter?"

"um, yeah, hi" i replied, "can i help you? it's bethany, isn't it?"

"yes, you can call me beth though" she spoke, smiling at me. "sorry, i started feeling my hamstring a little when we were training earlier, the boss said to pay you a visit"

i mentally cursed my mother, desperately wanting to leave. sam had texted me earlier, asking if i wanted to go see a movie when i get off. i'd said yes, of course, but now i had a feeling i'd be late, which wasn't ideal considering we'd only just got back on track. but i had no choice.

"of course, come on in" i replied, forcing a smile.

i got everything back out while beth settled on the bed. "would you mind laying on your front, please?" i prompted.

"oh, of course, hamstring - obviously" she spoke, "my mistake"

"don't worry about it" i offered, applying a pain relief rub to her hamstring and beginning to massage it in. after 10 minutes of silence, except from the odd groan from beth of course, the striker finally spoke.

"so, this is none of my business but the latest rumour around here is that sam kerr is having relations with the new physio. don't suppose you know anything about that?" she asked with laugh.

i started to panic. what if mums heard this rumour? sam and i weren't even anything yet, how was this going around already? then it clicked. of course, the kiss dare. i was really freaking out now. when in doubt, deny, deny, deny - as yana says.

"nope, don't know where you've heard that but i can assure you that there's nothing going on with me and sam" i said, adding a laugh to make it sound more realistic.

beth hummed. "good to know, little hayes"

KERR - sam kerr x female ocWhere stories live. Discover now