Chapter Seventy One - Valentine's Day

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Cynthia was standing at her locker putting away her books. It was finally the end of the day. Cynthia was over senior year. She knew where she wanted to go, had her life planned out, and just needed to get away from this town. She was basically slamming her books back into her locker. Then, she felt someone wrap their arms around her middle. Cynthia straightened her back, but didn't say anything. She just put away the rest of her books a bit more softly. Then, she felt kisses along her neck. Still, she ignored them. Finally, she felt a small love bite to her neck.

Cynthia looked over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow, "Are you really that desperate for attention, you can't wait a few more moments for me to put away my books."

"It's Valentine's Day," Eddie said with a smile as he kissed her cheek. "You should be all over me."

"I see," Cynthia turned around in his arms and pushed some of his hair back. "And I'm assuming all of this will have some big payoff when you eventually get me into your bed tonight."

"Have I really become that predictable?" Eddie asked as he kissed her again.

Cynthia couldn't help but smile as he pulled away, "Maybe. Are we still on for tonight."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Eddie said. "Make sure to wear the dress you wore on our first date."

"What type of grand plan to you have, Eddie?" Cynthia asked as they started to walk down the hallway.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise," Eddie said as he wrapped his arm around Cynthia's shoulder. "Just be ready for me to pick you up at 6:00."

"I will," Cynthia said.

Cynthia put her hand in Eddie's back pocket as they made their way to the door. The ring around her neck was a comfortable weight. It was never off her person for longer than 30 minutes. She brought her hand to her chest and held onto it. It made her feel safe. Then, the couple's steps faltered as they saw who was in front of them.

"You got to be fucking kidding me," Cynthia sighed as Jason Carver basically put himself in their path.

"What does the fancy basketball jock want?" Eddie asked. "Besides trying to piss my girl off and getting knocked on his ass again."

"You have a girlfriend," Cynthia said. "Shouldn't you be off with her instead of bothering us."

"Chrissy wasn't feeling too well," Jason said. "Didn't know you cared about anyone other than your freak boyfriend and his friends."

"I care if they're a decent person, Carver," Cynthia raised her eyebrow. "And Chrissy seems pretty fucking sweet. Shouldn't you be off comforting her?"

"At the very least he should be getting her medicine," Eddie looked down at her. "Maybe getting her Gatorade for the sore throat."

Cynthia looked up at him, "If he was a real charmer he would make her homemade soup or something."

"Are you two done acting like I'm not here?" Jason asked.

"That depends, are you still blocking our exit?" Cynthia asked.

"Just tell us what you really want?" Eddie asked. "We've got places to be tonight that don't involve throwing balls into laundry baskets."

"Look, the basketball team has got it's first game on Wednesday," Jason said. "Are you going to be playing your satanic game?"

"Why does it matter?" Cynthia asked. "You've never given a shit anyways."

"It's the first game of the season, and we don't need any bad luck," Jason told them. "Are you going to be playing your satanic game on Wednesday?"

"I don't know," Eddie looked at Cynthia. "What do we have on Wednesday's schedule. I know we have that appointment to sacrifice virgins at 3:00 which leads directly into the summoning of Satan at 3:30."

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