Chapter 17 - I hate you

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Wills POV

I wake up, but I am in my own room. I look around confused, am I dreaming?

I groan as I try and get up, but I'm held down by someone's arms wrapped around my waist.

I turn my head to see a peacefully sleeping Mike Wheeler in my bed.

I shake him awake, confused on how I got into my own bed.

"Mike." I whisper, shaking him gently.

He just groans and doesn't move.

"Mike!" I whisper shout, not wanting to startle him.

He just groans and tightens his arms around me.

"Mike!" I Speak normally now, and he finally opens his eyes.

"Why did you wake me up!?" He whines, digging his head into the pillow.

"Because your arms are wrapped around me and I can't move.." I tell him, flustered.

"Tell me something I dont know." He grumbles, and I hear him start to snore.

"At least let me go before going back to sleep!" I scold, trying to pry his arms off of me.

"Ugh just stay here.. I thought we were like dating anyway.." He mumbles, still half asleep.

Wait.. Did I ever break up with him?

"I- I mean I guess we never broke up but I don't think we are dating Mike.." I whisper, remembering our argument.

I manage to pry his arms off of me, and I get off the bed before he can grab me again.

He groans and sits up, his hair messy and his face red from the heat of the bed. He rubs his eyes and I admire him.

"I know your staring, byers." He grins, still rubbing his eyes.

"I- No I'm not." I huff and he giggles, removing his hands frim his face.

"Mhmmmm" Mike rolls his eyes, still laughing at me.

"Whatever, get up. I'm hungry." I demand, and I leave my bedroom to go and brush my teeth.

I place my hand on the door handle, before I remember the last time I was in here.

"It hurts, Mike.."

I freeze. I can't go in there. I feel a tear trickle down my cheek and I don't bother to wipe it away, until someone does for me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I hear Mike ask me.

I shake my head, not wanting to tell him and he realises.

He pulls my into a hug and I start to cry.

I felt so low in that bathroom, and all of those feelings have just came rushing back.

And then I remember why I was in there.

"I got dared to tell you I love you."

I had almost forgotten that Mike was the reason I was in so much pain.

"Get off me." I whisper.

"What?" He sounds confused, but keeps his arms wrapped around me.

"Get off of me!" I squirm, pushing him away.

He looks surprised.

"What was that for?" He frowns, looking upset but angry.

"Your the reason I did that to myself.." I look down, crying even harder.

I remember how much everything hurt, Mike telling me about the dare, finding out everybody knew, I felt humiliated. I felt like some big joke.

I thought nobody loved me, I thought it'd be best if I was gone, so I tried to leave.

And I just accepted his crappy apology and pretended like nothing happened?

"I know, Will. God, I know! I want to fix things!" He tries but I shake my head.

"No. No I don't forgive you.." I whisper, looking Mike in the eyes for the first time.

"W-What?" He looks absolutely heart broken.

"You did this to me. You made me feel so humiliated, Mike! I felt like a joke, I felt betrayed, I thought that nobody loved me! I felt so low to the point where I tried to Kill myself! And then you just give me some bullshit apology and expect everything to go back to the way it was?" I yell at him, feeling a sudden surge of anger.

"Woah woah what's going o-" I hear eleven start but I just carry on.

"Mike you saw me in that bathroom! I had a bottle of pills down my throat and my arms were cut and bleeding and then u expect because I wake up in bed with you the next morning everything is fine!? Because it is not! I don't know why I even forgave you so easily when you made me feel like such a dumbass for loving you! Seriously what is wrong with me!?" I yell, and just start sobbing.

I see Eleven and Max Retreat back into Eleven's room and I just collapse into the floor, and Mike holds me.

"I hate you.. I hate you." I cry into his chest and he strokes my back.

"I know, I know.." He whispers, trying to calm me down.

"No no I hate you.." I mumble, still sobbing.

"Calm down, come on.." He rocks me gently back and forth, stroking my back.

I cry a bit more into his chest, before I manage to calm down into a more gentle cry.

"Im so sorry, Will.." He whispers, still softly stroking my back.

"Why do you do this to me.." I sniffle and he chuckles and sniffles as well.

He was crying too.

"I'm sor-" I try to apologize but he cuts me off.

"Don't apologize. I deserved every single word you just told me."

I stop crying, and my eyes start to feel heavy.

Mike notices and asks me about it.

"Do you want to go back go sleep?" He asks me gently. (WILL VOICE AHHH)

I nod, about to get up when he picks me up.

"Mike.. Put my down." I go red.

"Shhh and sleep. I will take care of you." He whispers to me and I'm too drained to fight him on it so I just rest my head on his shoulder and drift off to sleep.

yall idk how to end this fucking story.

{Word Count: 998}

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