Chapter 18 - 1st Real 'I love you'

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Mikes POV

"Shhhh, go to sleep." I tell him, and he doesn't fight me and just rests his head on my shoulder and falls asleep.

I bring him into his room and set him down on the bed, I bring the blanket up and cover him with it.

I give him the teddy I know he loves but is too embarrassed to admit it and just stand there for a minute, making sure he is asleep.

I lean down, and kiss his forehead.

"I'm so sorry, Will. I love you so much." I whisper to him.

"I love you too.." He whispers back to me, half asleep.

I smile and him and go into the kitchen.

I hear a door open and asume it's Will, so I speak up.

"Would you like some pancakes?" I ask them politely.

"HELL YEAH!" Max yells, and I flinch and turn around.

"Ew not you, your not getting any." I scoff.

"Whatever wheeler, when the pancakes are done I'll be in the living roooom!" She sings, as her and eleven run away to watch TV.

I am almost done with the pancakes when I hear very soft padding come from the hallway, and this time I turn around so that I know who it is before I offer them any pancakes.

It's Will, and he looks incredibly tired.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask him softly, plating the last few pancakes.

"Horrible.." He mumbles, not looking me in the eye.

I sigh, knowing he hasn't forgiven me.

"Would you like some pancakes?" I smile at him and his eyes light up.

"Yeah, please!" He grins at me and I smile and give him a plate.

"Thank you." He gives me a side-hug, and I do the same back.

"Now eat your pancakes before they go cold!" I joke and he rolls his eyes and walks over to where Max and Eleven are, with 3 plates of pancakes, some syrup and a bowl of cut up fruits.

"Ooooh wheeler our own personal chef!" Eleven and max giggle to themself.

I see Will eye the fruit, but doesn't reach out to get any. I pick up the bowl and hand it to him.

"Would you like any?" I offer, and he nods shyly and takes a couple.

"Ugh, gays." Max scoffs playfully and Eleven smacks her arm.

"Don't be rude!" She scolds, and Max just rolls her eyes and grins.

(I'd just like the say that elmax isn't a thing in this story, I might do it in another but I love Lumax so I'm defo doing keeping Lumax in this story)

We all eat our pancakes, and flick between the few channels on the TV, while Will and Eleven argue on what to watch.

"No that's so boring!" Will whines, throwing himself back onto the couch dramatically.

"You'll survive!" Eleven groaned, and Will got up and tried to snatch the remote out of Eleven's hands.

"Ugh this isn't fair I'm in a critical condition!! Give me it!" Will tried to jump and grab the remote, but instead fell on Max who pushed him off.

Will grabbed Max's shirt while he fell so she ended up falling down too which ended up in some sort of fight between Max and Will.

While they were fighting you could hear a mix of 'nerd' and 'redhead' and Eleven trying to pull them off of each other.

Eventually me and Eleven both managed to pull them off of each other and they death glared each other, before jokingly threatening eachother.

"This isn't over, Byers."

"Watch your back, Mayfield."

Me and El both roll our eyes in sync, before pulling back the two angry birds and making them eat their food.

"I'm not hungry." Will huffed.

"Will. You haven't eaten proper food in days! You need to eat." I tell him.

"I don't want them." He scoffs.

"Why not?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Because they're cold!" He yells and I groan.

"Then re-heat them!" I try but he refuses.

"No because then they taste weird." He whines.

"Then what do you want?" I sigh.

He pauses for a moment a does that concentration face he always does.

"Uhm, I don't know..?" He sounds unsure of himself.

"Just get a bowl of cereal." I plead and he gets up reluctantly and makes one.

"I'm not doing this for you, wheeler. I'm doing it because I have to." He tells me, and it hurt.

I know he was joking but I want him to trust me again. I want him to love me the way he did before.

He must've noticed the expression on my face because his face immediately softened and he walked over to me.

"Hey, I'm just messing. You know that, right?" He told me gently.

"Yeah.. Yeah I know." I try and tell him but he doesn't believe me.

"Mike, come into the kitchen with me." He grabs my hand and pulls me into the kitchen.

I look at him confused.

"You know what I said earlier, I didn't mean it. I don't hate you, Mike. I never have." He sighs.

I just look down, "You should hate me.."

"But I don't. And I want to trust you again, but I need you to prove to me that I can." He places his hand on my cheek (aye which one..) and I look up at him.

He places a soft kiss on my lips, which I instantly reciprocate but he pulls away shortly.

"I love you, Mike. I love you so much. And I really hope you love me too and you aren't just lying to me. But if you want us to work, you need to prove to me that you do love me." He tells me, and I place my hand over his, and hold it.

Im speechless. I'm not even sure how to respond.

"I- uh you, I don- What?" I stumble on my words and he giggles.

"I love you too, Will." I manage to spit out, and he looks at me again, so I kiss him.

{Word Count: 1019}

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