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All Cassidy Dixon ever knew was a world filled with deadly creatures and death. Ever before she was born, in her mother's stomach, death was always around her. She was born in a fucked-up world, filled with deadly creatures that feed off of every living thing. Cassidy had her fair share of interactions with the creatures, known as walkers, in her life.

Since she was born, Cassidy had to learn how to survive in the world she was born in. Fighting back against the deadly creatures that roam the planet, that took over the world. She learned from the best of the survivors how to use and wheeled weapons—her father was one of them.

But with the constant wage of war between the walkers and survivors, death was inevitable. Cassidy heard stories of the survivors that they lost along the way—from her mother and grandfather, and how they lost the battle against the creatures.

With those stories came the latter of deaths that she had suffered. Her brother was the hardest of all of the deaths that she experienced. Max was her everything, the best big brother she ever could ask for and when their mother had told them about his death, something inside her broke and never recovered.

Six years had passed since her brother's death, and none of her family seemed to recover him it. The atmosphere around her family was tense, especially with Alice—her brother's girlfriend. Alice had become overprotective of their daughter, Bonnie, and a bit more stand-offish towards their family. 

Bonnie was an energetic, spitfire that took after her father. The six-year-old seemed to want to take after her father's and aunt's footsteps and take part in 'missions' as she called them. But her mother refused every-time.

Cassidy was sitting at the cafeteria table surrounded by her friends—which were Harry's friends rather than her own. Edith and Gracie were sitting on each other her sides, who were chatting with each other. She was playing with her food, leaning her elbows against the table as she listened, boredly, to Heather Miles talk to her friend Harry.

Her Dixon blues glanced up at them, her heart aching at the large smile on Harry's face. Harry and Heather were dating a few months ago at the annual Halloween Fair. Despite being close friends with Harry—she did not like Heather one bit.

Heather was the definition of gorgeous and what every boy or girl wanted. And Cassidy couldn't understand how someone so beautiful was born in a world as fucked up as theirs. Heather had dark long, pin-straight hair, fair skin, and beautiful green eyes.

Despite being the definition of gorgeous, Heather was a grade-A bitch—who made snarky and rude comments about Cassidy, Edith, and Gracie any chance she got. The brunette made it her mission to insert insults into every conversation she had with any of them. Edie and Gracie mostly ignored the older girl—not letting the insults and rude comments affect them, but the rude comments about their dead moms were crossing the line.

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