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Bonnie never knows her father; he had died a few days after she born from a bite from monster. He died from taking the bite that was moment for her mother, he saved her mother, believing that their daughter needed her mother more than him. Growing up, Bonnie was told stories about her father by nearly everyone in her family, how he was brave and resilient, and protected his family. 

Her aunt Cassie had told her how her father had raised her when she was just a baby when her grandparents weren't there. She knew the story about her grandmother and great grandfather, how they blow up the bridge to save their family from the horde of monsters. Her uncle Carl talked about her father a lot, he was around her age when Max had died, she knew that her uncle missed his brother a lot. 

Her nana was the person who told her most of the stories, she was the one who had found him when he was young. Her nana had taken him in, caring for him and protecting him through the years. Max was her son, ever since they met in Woodbury. Matilda was still not over his death, her and Alice were the ones who taken Max's death the hardest. 

Bonnie always wished she could meet her father, wanting nothing more than to be wrapped in his arms. She wanted to talk to him where he would respond and laugh at what she said. She wished that her mother would let her go on mission as her aunt says, just like her father did. But her mother refused every time, despite her nana and grandpa's promise to keep her safe.  

Alice had climbed back into her shell again, becoming stand-offish and closed off towards her family. Max's death had taken a huge toll on her. Her temper was low, snapping at people and getting annoyed far too easily, which lead to some of her family not speaking to her, in fear they would receive her wrath. 

"Carl! Carl!" Bonnie shouted as she ran though her grandparents' house, looking for her uncle. "Carl!" 

"Don't run in the house, Bonnie!" Her nana shouted from the kitchen. 

"Hi, nana!" The six-year-old grinned up at her nana as she came into the kitchen. "What are you making?" 

Matilda smiled softly at her granddaughter, placing a tray of cookies into the oven. "Making cookie for Carl's bake sale tomorrow," 

Bonnie's emerald eyes lit up. "Can I have one?! Can I! Can I, nana!" 

"Calm down, Bon," Her nana smiled, shaking her head at her hyper granddaughter. "You can have one when they're done." 

"Yay!" The blonde little girl cheered as she hugged her nana around her leg and raced off towards Carl. "Carl!" She shouted, running up the stairs and into Carl's room. "Carl!" 

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