Chapter 4

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3rd Pov.

After the fight with Rio against Weiss, Kotori and Kiba who ended up winning while Rouge bailing out on the last minute Shade got up and cracked her neck

Shade: My turn now, try not to disappoint me

Just before she walked out she sense that (Y/N) had a green Chaos Emerald as she toss him the purple one she took from Shido

Shade: Give me the green one, it's the one I most favor

(Y/N): Ok?

He toss her the green one as she place it in her pocket as Shade along with Rias, Akeno, Isma and Tohka walked towards the arena. Rio was the referee on this match as everyone looked at the fight closely, Issei and the ORC knew that Rias' power of destruction could helped her win along with Akeno being the queen who possessed a strong voltage of electricity from her Fallen Angel side would win this fight with their powerful magic attacks along with Isma who has a sacred gear of a dragon. Shido and Kotori knew that Tohka could win this fight consider that she is a powerful spirit even if part of her power were sealed she's still powerful even if she's not at full strength but for some reason when they all saw Shade they could all sense how powerful she is even before the power of a Chaos Emerald. However (Y/N) and his team knew that Shade would use her Chaos Emerald to teleport to places or stopped time instead of fully using its power unlike most people they encountered would since her very own power is equal to one when her arm-braces are off, even without harnessing the power Shade is still powerful. Those on Remnant could feel each of their own auras giving off powerful energy a wise choice they didn't get to fight her, so in reality this fight could go either way depending on how much power and how smart they play this match

Rio: Now the fight between Shade against Rias, Akeno, Isma and Tohka will go underway. Now

They all got in position as Shade took a more aggressive stance while Rias and Akeno's hands all charged up with electric base power and Isma's hand started to glow


Isma: Charged Gear!

Gear: Charged!


(Play song)

In an instant Isma summon her sacred gear on her left hand as it revealed to be a black and red gauntlet with a yellow gem on the hand while Tohka changed into her astral dress as Rias and Akeno launched an attack at Shade who blasted off and skated towards them at fast speed almost closed to (Y/N)'s speed, Tohka stabbed her sword on the ground as the ground shake and exploded as Shade skated through the ruble and flow up in the sky as all 4 went after her. Isma charged in as she send in a punch till Shade caught it and kicked her away as Isma quickly blocked it with her gauntlet till Shade send another kick but her shoes light up as it went faster and hit her head sending her away. Akeno and Rias create a glyph as they send a powerful attack together, Shade notice this and instead of flying away her hand lit up a bit

Shade: Chaos Spear!

She send 3 large spears to intercept the attack as it exploded but it was a distraction as Tohka came in behind her and swung her sword as Shade's eyes widen a bit till she kicked the sword and kick Tohka in the stomach as she was pushed back and blasted up fight as Rias flew up after her as she launched multiple attacks at her as Shade dodge them and she stopped as she glared at Rias, with her distracted Akeno summon a glyph above Shade and lighting came out as Shade was struck by the lightning sending her down towards Isma who flew up and send in a powerful punch to the face. Shade flew down and growled as she regain her focus and flew again till Tohka was about to attack her again till Shade drew her gun out and shot at Tohka, her eyes widen as she make a aura shield to block the bullets but Shade teleport behind Tohka and punched her. Tohka got angry and swung her sword multiple times at Shade but she dodge it till one final swing Shade kicked the sword and kicked Tohka again till she did a axe kick and slammed her foot on her head as Tohka was send down near the ground but Akeno quickly caught her in the air as her head bled a bit

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