Part 7

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The hardest thing to admit to yourself is that you are broken. The reasons you have, don't justify all these emotions. You don't understand why you felt this way, happy yesterday, then wanting to escape today. People ask if you're okay and you say "I'm okay or "I'm just tired". No words can express the feelings that linger within Dream not even himself. The feeling of not being wanted, or not being good enough keeps haunting him every day. The cuts along his sleeve, the cuts that will never disappear. The happiness around George might disappear someday and he can't control it. He really wants to escape. He doesn't want to be here anymore. And that feeling never went away, except on rare occasions when he was with George. George... The one person that could truly make him happy for a minute or smile at stupid things. Right now, George was his anchor. Right now he wanted to live, for George. But he also knew that thought could disappear faster than a heartbeat. But for now, he wanted to stay with George in this bed. And make memories for them both, maybe that would ease the pain in his heart. One day, if he was lucky, he would have a chance of getting out of this dark hole. Maybe one day.

"I love you, George, more than you could ever imagine" he whispered to the sleeping boy cuddled up on his chest. A smile crept up on his face.

George woke up the next morning alone in Dream's bed, the sun peeking through the curtains made him squeeze his eyes shut. Footsteps caught his attention, and the door slowly opened. Dream peeked through and smiled when he noticed George was awake. He made his way to the bed and flopped with a groan into the bed, making George giggle.

"Good morning, pretty boy"

George hadn't heard that one in a while, he smiled back and whispered a "good morning" back. He cuddled up to the blond who lay beside him and smiled.

"Hey George, I have a plan for us today, but that's for later tonight. So, until then I really want to watch the new horror movie. Nick will be back in a couple of days, right now there is only you and me" he said in an excited voice.

"Horror movie? I don't like horror, Dream"

"You'll be fine, you have me there!"

George sighed and nodded slowly, they walked downstairs and the smell of something sweet caught his attention. He looked at Dream with amazement and ran to the kitchen, at the table stood so many things. Popcorn, cupcakes, cookies, candy, snacks, some kind of chocolate cake, and a lot more.

"When did you have time for this?!" George jumped in excitement.

"You sleep a lot George, and deeply too, so I got up a bit earlier than usual and started baking and went to the store" he laughed.

George stopped dead in his tracks looking at Dream, his laugh. Dream's laugh was the prettiest laugh he'd ever heard. It sounded majestic and George could easily go into a trance when he heard it. Dream looked at him confused, he switched moods so quickly.

"That was the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard" George almost whispered.

A tint of red spread across Dream's face but he hid it with his hoodie sleeve, hoping George wouldn't notice but he did. An idea popped up in George's head.

"What's up "pretty boy" Why are you blushing?" he said smirking. That made Dream even redder.

"George trying to be bold, see how much he can take," Dream thought to himself while stepping closer to the smaller boy. He backed away at the sudden expression from Dream, teasing him a bit. Dream kept walking towards the backing boy until his back was pressed at the counter, standing way closer than they did before Dream slowly traced his hands along George's back until he reached his waist- With a quick motion he lifted the brunette onto the counter, putting his hands on George's thighs.

"Think you can flirt with me and then get away with it?" the blond said in a low voice, George shivered at the sound of it. Red spread across his face, trying to hide it in Dream's neck but Dream had other plans. He lifted George's chin with his pointing finger and looked deeply into his hazel brown eyes, George's eyes showed nerves and lust. Dream smiled at him and turned his lips to George's ear.

"Pretty boy, why are you flustered?" he whispered into the brunette's ear making George even more flustered and bright red.

He turned back facing George, looked into his eyes, and then down to his lips. George's breath stopped, meeting the green eyes again. The time started to slow down and both boys felt butterflies in their stomachs, Dream moved even closer, and he felt George wrap his legs around his torso. Their lips were so close they could feel the other breathing, slowly Dream closed the gap between them, and their lips collided. Passionate and loving they kissed, both felt the spark and didn't want to let go of each other. The kiss was not expected and not planned for either of them but neither of them complained, silently they both had begged this moment would happen for days and finally, it came. Both happy in each other's embrace, Dream smiled into the kiss and received a small laugh in return from the brunette. Dream had never felt this happy before and placed another kiss on the brunette. If only this moment could last forever. They looked into each other's eyes and smiled once again, placing their foreheads together.

Neither of them knew this was the calm before the storm.

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