Penetrate A Fraud (Filler)

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Next Day Magic Parai Jones12:46 pm Omni POV

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Next Day
Magic Parai Jones
12:46 pm
Omni POV

Magic skipped down the stairs to her front door. Debria was over at Trice's house for the weekend and Magic decided to have company over.

Magic threw open the door and smiled at her friends. There stood Jake, Papa, and Kevin, who all smiled back at her.

"Why y'all acting brand new? Come in", Magic stepped to the side and motioned for her friends to walk inside.

In walked Kevin who she hugged, then Papa - she hugged him too. Jake walked in and hugged Magic, his hands on her waist, and slowly slid down towards her butt making Magic purch her lips and pull away. Jake smiled at her before standing next to Kevin and Papa who were looking around the house.

"So what y'all wanna do?", Magic asked them, taking off her 'Bearpaw' boots that she randomly put on to take the trash out earlier.

"You got some food up in here, Magic? I ate a light breakfast", Papa said, rubbing his stomach

"Since when did you ever eat 'light breakfast'?", Kevin asked making Jake chuckle.

"I-", Magic cut Papa off.

"Y'all gone stop being mean to my bestie, he's big-boned, not fat", Magic said rolling her neck at Jake and Kevin before standing next to Papa who had a smug look on his face.

"So which one is he husky or big-boned?", Jake asked while snickering making Magic and Papa roll their eyes in unison.

"And wait! I thought I was your best friend!", Kevin added, looking at Magic with a shocked expression.

"He can be whatever he wants to be. And Kevin, you my bestie tooo", Magic exclaimed with a smile giving Kevin a hug, and rocking them back and forth.

Kevin hugged her back and laughed. He looked at Jake's face that held a mug and he decided to tease him. Kevin kissed Magic's cheek while they were hugging - something Magic does to all her friends so it wasn't a big deal to her.

Jake's face scrunched up even more seeing this. He scoffed and looked away. Papa smirked at Jake and then pointed at Kevin and Magic, Jake watched Papa turn around and cross his arms with his hands on his back and start moving around violently. He was trying to imitate a kiss between Magic and Kevin but it just looked... weird.

Magic pulled away from the hug, she turned back around facing away from Kevin while standing in front of him. All she can see was a visibly pissed Jake and Papa.. having a stroke?

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