the beginning of the adventure

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Chapter 1

Wandere had sneaked put of the academya away from his class. Its not that he's 'the bad kid who dose nothing and gets into trouble all the time' he more of the 'get things done an leave' guy. If wandere was the bad kid type he was positive that nahida would give him the lecture of the century.

Wandere found a like rock to sit by in the forest a few days ago when he was with the traveler helping them. He has allways came back to this very spot ever since. The breaze was relaxing, no loud people are around and nothing that can disturb the peace that the sounds of the birds and trees what danced in the wind for him.... pure peace that he has found.

Wandere has been asleep for a few minutes now and some birds have been keeping him company. These winged animals seem to be very close to the puppet, maby theres a reson for this? These birds very rarely leave the puppet alone almost as if they are watching him and makeing sure he's safe.

 These winged animals seem to be very close to the puppet, maby theres a reson for this? These birds very rarely leave the puppet alone almost as if they are watching him and makeing sure he's safe

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After a few hours wandere finally woke up. He opened his indigo eyes to only knowtis somthing.... everything was bigger. The boy looked around frantically 'what is this? Why is everything big... why do i feel so...' as the puppet was thinking and looking around he saw that he was no human but a small purple cat.

This cat that was once a puppet started to run around in circles trying to figure out how this is possible. 'This is bad.... how am i going to pay of my debts for nahida?! Wait nahida maby that small archon might help me' wandere then ran all the way to the academya only leaving the once evidence that he was there...his hat.

The little kitten ran throw the forest trying to get out. Turns out when your point of view random changes it becomes very had to navigate your way back. All that wandere could to was get out of the forest and work from there. But of course this is sumeru its never that easy, there where fungi left and right of him. Wandere trys to use his paws to summon windblades to attack them but no powers where coming out of his hand.

This of course frustrated the puppet 'oh so a puppet can have powers but a cat cant?' He finds this logic very hard to understand. He had no choice but to run away "hey leave that kitty alone!" A voice from a girl came from behind him. Sudenly boomerang came up from behind and smacked all the enemies away.

Wandere turned around and saw a green haired girl with a dendro vision on her. Wandere believes that this girl is under that fox boy tignari's care "oh you poor little kitty... how are you out here its dangerous!" The girl scooped up that cat and held him like a mother held her baby.

Wandere was surprised and embarrassed at the same time. He realy wanted to scratch that girls face off but his body refused to move.... why?  "Aww you poor thing your so cold. I bet your from the city ain't you?" The girl gently stroked the kitten as she walked to her hut "its getting dark I'll take you to the city when its light outside again i promise"

The two of them arived at the girls little hut. Wandere was surprised its so clean since it's just hout here sittinh in the forest. "Oh by the way little kitty my name is collei " the girl who calls herself collei placed the kitten down on the floor as she sat on hef bed.

"Tignari said i shouldn't get attached to animals i come across random but you dont seem the type to hurt people haha" collei laughed at the kitten totally unaware that this cat would indeed hurt her but since shed helping him she gets a pass, just this once.

Collei got up and looked in her cupboards "i dont have much food but i have some... i just hope you like it" the girl got out some kind of biscuit and when down to wanderes hight holding the treat "here have it" the girl had a big smile on her face. Almost like the smile a freind he knew once had.

Wandere then took the treat out of the girls hand and ate it "aww thank you kitty for trusting-"

"Collie whats this?!" A new voice came from  the door. The two looked over at the person and saw it was the one and only tighnari "o-oh tighnari err" the girl became very flustered after being caught with a kitten.

"I told you collei you shouldn't bring things from random places" the fox boy crossed his arms looking very disappointed at his student. The  girl sighed knowing that she was in trouble "am sorry tighnari... but he was in touble i had to help him! I promise when its morning I'll take him to the city, his poor owner must be worried"

Tighnari was quite surprised that collei was being ver responsible "well i guess I'll let this slide. If i catch the cat still here around 12pm your in trouble" the boy then left the two alone. Collei then collapse onto her bed "well that was scary... dont worry kitty he's a nice man and a good teacher" collei then grabed a spare pillow and placed it on the floor for wandere to sleep on.

Wandere wasn't happy about sleeping on the floor but its better then nothing. Her curled himself on the pillow and surprisingly fell asleep very quickly. Collei laughed quietly "good night little kitty"

962 words

Hi guys

New random book i know but yay got motivation!

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