When I was finished spilling my guts to Marcus...

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He just kinda stared at me with an unreadable look on his face. It made me immediately uneasy. 

"See, you should've just stayed here, cause I'm a mess." I joked. Marcus snorted, rolling his eyes. 

"Go talk to him," Marcus sighed, "you're making my head spin." I exhaled sharply, nodding in agreement. 

"I can't even imagine what would make you say that." I teased, feeling weight push down on my shoulders. 

"Forever a mystery." Marcus ruffled my hair before giving me a gentle, encouraging push forward. I scrubbed my hands over my face, roughly, groaning. "You've got this!" Marcus called as I walked away. 

I arrived at home and immediately began to throw together cookie dough. After throwing them into the oven, I texted Pin, asking to come over. He answered faster than I had ever seen, warmly welcoming my request, which made the pressure in my chest ease. 

When I arrived at Pin's house, a plate of warm cookies in hand, I stood at the door for at least a minute, raising and lowering my hand to knock and contemplating just turning around but unluckily for me, Ted opened the door, with a warm smile. 

"Hi, Luna. Pin's upstairs." I smiled, tightly, nodding. 

"Thanks, Mr. Hawthorne." I trudged up the stairs, trying to keep my brain quiet. Pin's door was open but I knocked on the doorframe, holding my breath. 

"Come on in, Luna." He called. I walked in, smiling sheepishly. 

"Hi." Pin was already on his feet to greet me, kissing my forehead. I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply. 

"Did you make these?" He asked, softly, taking the plate from my hand. I nodded. "Can I try one?" Which made me smile as I pulled back the plastic wrap from the plate. 

"If they're terrible, don't tell me." I joked as he ate the baked treat. 

"They're delicious. Did you make them from scratch? Like just now?" I nodded, rocking back and forth on my feet. 

"Yeah," I laughed, "I would've been over sooner but I didn't want to come empty handed." I explained. Pin just chuckled, gesturing for me to take a seat wherever so I perched myself on the end of his bed, still feeling stiff. 

"It feels like ages since I've actually seen you properly." Pin noted with a light laugh. I hummed in agreement. 

"Yeah," was all I found myself saying. My brain was drawing blanks, unsure of where to start, if I should start, if I should push more cookies into his face to keep him occupied. 

"I think I should start by saying I'm not breaking up with you." Pin suddenly said. My head whipped around at near whiplash speed, silently demanding how he was reading my mind. 

"How did you-"

"I can say with confidence that I know you pretty well. For starters, you have a terrible poker face, really no poker face at all, actually." Pin began as I laughed, halfway out of disbelief.

"And you have no ability to keep what you're thinking off of your face." 

"That's not true!" I defended before hearing the dramatic tone coming out of my mouth. Pin smiled, fondly. "Fine." 

"I also know you have an active imagination and sometimes have a tendency to assume the worst." Pin added, wincing dramatically as my mouth gaped open, laughing. 

"I'm taking these cookies back." I teased, reaching for the plate. 

"Oh-ho I don't think so, I'm keeping these." Pin defended the baked good, holding onto the plate with a tight grip. I followed through with my launch to retrieve the cookies, ultimately landing on top of Pin in my attempted reach. 

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