Chapter 21 | Advice

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Yugo's arms hurt from the countless times he had swung his sword during the last few days, and his hands were red from the amount of Wakfu and Stasis he had been using for hours on end. He and Dally must've been in the Astrub forest for at least three hours today already, and there seemed to be no end to the number of mechasms they had to strike down. Yet they were restless and not willing to stop fighting anytime soon. After all, all of the other members of the brotherhood did so too.

Amalia and Ruel were still in the sadida kingdom helping out the local military. Meanwhile, Evangeline, Flopine, and Elely were currently in Bonta, defending the harbor. Adamai, Chibi, and Grougal on the other hand, were in Amakna, where Alibert could have an eye on the twins, not fully convinced that letting them fight was a good idea. But where there was a dragon with a will, there was a way. Not only Grougal was eager to fight, but Chibi also wanted to try out his portals in actual battle. While Yugo would have preferred to be at the little eliatropes side in a situation like that, he knew that the people of Astrub could use his and Dally's help a lot more. At least Adamai would be right by their side, keeping an eye out.

He knew, that there were at least a million things, that were more important right now, but in his mind, he was back at Oropos tower and had the same conflict he had with Amalia back then all over again. Every working part of his brain screamed at him to banish the thoughts of a future of them together and keep it locked out forever.  The rest of him though, his body, his lungs, and every single fiber of his being begged him to throw all of his fears overboard, to just give in and give it a chance.

It felt as if he was fighting two battles at once, unfortunately though, that put Yugo at a disadvantage, seeing the mechasms blade that crashed towards him, just a little too late. Luckily though, his Iop friend had his back, as always, using his sword to block of the damage in the last second, giving Yugo a chance to pull out his sword and fight back, stabbing the creature right in the neck, before it ended up dropping to the ground, all signs of life vanishing.

"That was close, you are lucky that I am always by your side.", he stuck out his chest, swelling with pride before his face turned into a more irritated grimace:"What's the matter though, where is your head at? With this amount of enemies, we have to fully focus on them. There's no way we can give those weaklings the upper hand." "Sorry.", the eliatrope apologized, straightening his back, before preparing to strike another batch of smaller bug-like enemies.

But it didn't work, no matter how much he straightened his back or took deep breaths to refocus, his mind just didn't wasn't to stay with the matter at hand. He had been thinking about asking his iop friend for advice for a while now, and this would be his chance if he would ever get one. All of their friends were busy in other parts of the world of twelve, and no one would interrupt them here, - apart from the occasional mechasm, but they would handle it, he figured.

"Dally. I know this is probably not the best moment, but I have something I really need to ask you. I need your advice.", Yugo was aware, that this was far from an ideal moment to ask his friend for personal advice, but he felt like he would not be able to get this off his mind, and being distracted while fighting the remaining mechasms that were still all over the world of twelve was not something he wanted to risk.

Dally turned his body toward Yugo, still in his fighting stance. "My advice?", he said, before continuing to ram his sword into the metallic intruders:"Go ahead then Yugo. Us Iop always gives the best advice after all!" The eliatrope gave his friend a half-hearted smile, sincerely hoping would be right. But out of all the people he knew, the iop could probably relate the most, to what he was going through.

It took him a bit of courage to say what he wanted to ask Dally out loud, so he hit a few more mechasms with his Stasis sword before he voiced the question. "How do you...", he was still not sure how he could phrase it in the best way:"How do you live knowing that you've had prior wives? And children, and... all of that?"

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