Chapter 3: Infatuation

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Coach Reed's POV

 After I dismissed Adelyn, I rushed out to my car. I have no idea why my body is acting up. It was hot and heavy, and I was having shortness of breath. I was fine before my first block with Adelyn. I took a few deep breathes before heading back into the building. I walked into my office and sat down, laying my head on my desk. One of my co-workers, who is also a coach, saw me and came into my office.

 "Hey Brad. You alright?" Theo Johnson asked me.

 "Yeah. I'm just feeling a little weird." I replied to him.

 "You're sweating up a storm. What happened? Did your new student knock the wind out of you?" He questioned me, laughing slightly.

 "No! She didn't! All we did today was the warm-ups! Ever since I met her, I've been sweating, having shortness of breath, and my heart is going a mile a minute." I explained to him, taking off my track jacket and tossing it next to my gym bag. Theo broke out laughing and I got very confused.

 "What are you laughing about?" I asked.

 "Brad, you're developing the hots for one of your students!" He replied, trying to stop laughing.

 "What? That's crazy. I am not doing that!""Yes, you are. She's literally taking your breath away. Think about it for a second, when you met her you started getting very sweaty. You were nervous. Your heart is racing? Because you're feeling something called infatuation." He explained.

 "Okay, let's just say I was, would I even have a chance with a girl like her?""Brad! Look at you! You're young and in shape. You probably have a better chance than anyone else here.""True. But she probably has a boyfriend if she looks like that." I replied.

 "Actually she doesn't. She was dating my quarterback, Josh. He told me that they broke up about two weeks ago." "Why do you seem so interested in me and Adelyn anyway?" I questioned him, very curious to know the answer.

 "Because I was in your shoes once. I had a girl in my class during my second year of teaching. I fell for her but I never told her and I regret it everyday of my life. I was never able to find love after her because no one stood up to my standards anymore." "Wow. I had no idea. I'm sorry to hear that Theo.""It's alright. But Brad, please don't do what I did. I want you to take a risk and see what comes out of it." "You're right. I owe it to myself to see if she is the girl for me."

 After Theo left my office, I did a little research on Adelyn. I checked out her facebook and found a bit of information. She did break up with Josh two weeks ago. She lives with only her mom since her parents divorced about three years ago. She has a little sister named McKenzie, who is a freshman and who I have in my fourth block. Adelyn was crushed when her parents split. I know the feeling. After I looked at her facebook, I searched her on instagram. She has so many pictures of herself. They were mostly of herself but some included her best friends, Gabby and Kaitlyn. After I finished teaching my second block gym class, it was lunch. When I walked into the cafeteria, all the girls were staring at me. I grabbed a salad, carrots and a water, paid for it and started to walk back to my office. On my way back, I was looking down, not watching where I was going, before I knew it, I crashed into someone. I looked up to see who it was and it was Adelyn.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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