Twenty Three

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This is completely normal.

100% normal.

Not a single thing about this is weird.


Maybe if I keep telling myself that, I'll convince myself because I am FREAKING OUT.

"I can stay Mia. Sit in the corner quietly."

"I'm pretty sure that will freak him the fuck and out and he'll think I've been kidnapped." I laughed. Trying to pull off the whole 'normal' thing for Chris' benefit. Because he was visibly stressing. He hadn't left my side since Mason left the shop this afternoon. Even after him and Dylan had finished. He just kind of sat in the corner out of my way whilst I put everything where I wanted it. I could have really done with the time to think. Work out the best way to approach it with the least amount of collateral damage. "It's just Mason Chris. It's absolutely fine." He grunted, turning, and staring at the door with me when there was a knock. This is it. I wiped my hands on my shorts, taking deep breathes as I walked across the space, turning back for a second. I have to put this whole thing behind me and the only way I can do that is closing it off completely with Mason. Closing and locking the door behind me so I could stop being haunted my nightmares of this very moment. I shot him a calming smile as he grabbed his jacket, pulling the door open. "Hey. Come in."

Mason ducked into the room and the two boys stood face to face for the first time properly. Chris stared down at him. There wasn't much height difference between them really but the way they both held it was completely different. Mason wasn't as built as Chris. He spent his days working behind computer screens, walking around court rooms and offices. He wasn't built with physical strength like Chris and it was visible in his almost meek stance. Chris made him uncomfortable. But that was Chris' intention. He did the same thing with Markus before threatening him with a murder at the hand of his axe.

"Mason this is Chris. He was just leaving." Chris almost rolled his eyes and looked up at me. "I'm fine. I'll see you at my dad's later."

"Call and I'll come get you. I'm 5 minutes away. Less if I need to." I scoffed at him, pushing on his shoulder.

"Stop being dramatic or I'll have Hannah send you on a goose chase."

"Mia." I half closed the door. "I'm serious. One call."

"I know. Just trust me on this." He nodded, taking everything in himself to leave as I closed the door.

"He seems like a delight." I let out a sharp breath.

"He is. He's just a little stressed, got a lot going on." I hesitated before taking a few quick steps back towards the kitchen, leaving him to look around. It wasn't like his place back in Easton. The walls here were scattered in pictures of us and our friends and families throughout the years. My books covering too many surfaces since there wasn't a huge amount of space in this apartment. We should probably look for somewhere with a little more space but that could wait until we were a little less fresh. It was still a little early to be living together, let alone moving into a bigger space specifically for that. "I uh- I wasn't sure what you wanted to eat so I'm just throwing some chicken pasta together." I looked over my shoulder, swallowing as he found a recent phot I'd only framed a few days ago. Tonight, was going to be a long night.


"You look healthier." Mason said as he took his seat and I slipped the plates onto the table.

"Thanks. I started eating. Surprisingly it usually does the job." I tried to joke but he didn't offer more than the ghost of a smile. I sat, grateful for the music I'd put on quietly in the background to eradicate the awkward silence.

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