Now or Never

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The moment, Park Jimin entered, the suite that Lin Yoona booked for them to meet, he immediately frowned at the unfamiliar smell assaulting his senses.

"I am so glad you came." Lin Yoona said when she opened the door. She led him to the living room of the suite. She eyed Park Jimin's stoic expression and sat opposite to him. "Do you want some coffee? Or tea?"

"What is it that you want to talk to me?" his direct question immediately caused her heart to beat faster. She composed herself and give a wry smile.

"You don't even want to ask me why I left the party?" Lee Jongin said that it would take a couple of minutes before the drug would take its effect. She needed to at least talk to him for ten minutes before he would feel anything. She leaned towards him, showing the cleavage on her red sundress. "Don't you even care why I was not there in the party that I organized?"

"Did you call me just to talk about this?" he asked.

"Jimin!" her eyes immediately reddened. "We have been friends for too long! Don't you really care about me?"

"When you decided to like me, you already ruined whatever kind of friendship that you thought we had."

"You—" tears started to fall towards her cheeks. A sob escape her lips. "So... I don't really matter." Her voice was low. However, this was short-lived as she saw Park Jimin rose from his seat. Panic instantly arose inside her. "Where are you going?" She asked.

"Home. This is such a waste of my time."

"Jimin... please... listen to me." She clutched his arms. "I have to tell you something important. Just please listen."

Park Jimin narrowed his eyes at her. "Get straight to the point."

"I — The Park Family has been threatening me." She said and sat back on the couch. "They wanted me to help them ruin your marriage."

Park Jimin eyed her, scrutinizing. He put shoved his hand in his pocket. "And If you will not do it?"

"They — They will kill my father." She lied. She can't tell that her father is in debt. "Jimin, I don't know what to do. Please... I need your help."

"What are you suggesting?"

"I dont know... maybe you could. Maybe you could leave Roseanne... Divorced her. Pretend that you divorce her and that will be the end of it." A scoff instantly escaped his lips.

"You wanted me to divorce my wife? In exchange for your father's life?" Lin Yoona nodded, a tinge of hope apparent in her eyes. She needed more time before the drugs will affect him. And by then... the camera will automatically record everything. She could easily send it to Roseanne and ruin their marriage.

While she knows Park Jimin will hate her for this, Lin Yoona was confident that it will not last long. She already planned everything, and she is planning to win this game, no matter the cost.

Moreover, this was also because of her father. She was just protecting her family and fighting for what she loved at the same time.

"Where are you going?" she immediately asked when Park Jimin once again stood and walked away from her. "Jimin... where are you going?

"Do you see me as a fool?" the disgust in his tone made her shiver.

"What do you mean?"

"Yoona..." he sighed. "I never liked you. Not when we were children, not now and not in the future. Kim Taehyung is worried about you and that is only part of the reason why I am here."

"I — Taehyung... he does not like me like that."

"He doesn't. He sees you as a little sister. But after what you did tonight. I doubt he will treat you the same way again." He walked towards the door.

"Jimin... wait. Please... listen to me. You have to listen to me." She clutched into his arms. Tears streaming down her face. "I beg you. Please help me. My father- he is very important to me. Please!" she begged. When Park Jimin did not answer, Lin Yoona continued. "I know you are dealing with illegal people. That's why the Park family wanted to deal with you. If these information gets out of hand... If Roseanne knew about this, there is no way that she will stay."

She took his silence as a permission for her to continue talking. "Look. I don't even know how you decided to marry her. But she values her reputation so much! Jimin... please...." She watched as Park Jimin slowly turned his head towards her. His gaze devoid of any expression.

"You are not going to talk about my wife like that." He warned.

While she was taken aback of his reaction, Lin Yoona held his gaze and composed herself. It is now or never, she thought. "Why? Jimin! What does she have that I don't have? I am prettier than her! I am rich and I managed a company too! I grew up with you! I know you.... I can be your wife too..." She clings into his arms when he tried to take her hands off. "Can't you see? I am as smart as here! I know you! I know everything about you! While she.... You just met her and probably decided to marry her because you are looking for Rosella!"

She saw a flash of amusement in his eyes. "You think I married her to find Rosella?"

"Didn't you? When Taehyung told me that you married a business woman from Europe, both of us know that you married her so you can broaden your search for that woman!" For Lin Yoona, Rosella is the only woman that Park Jimin loved. It should not be difficult for him to leave Roseanne! After all, he was just using her for Rosella. The mention of her name instantly made her uncomfortable. It would be easier to admit that she actually lost to Roseanne than to a ghost! Someone who had long disappeared in this world!

To her surprise, Park Jimin chuckled. He turned towards her, eyes narrowed. "You think that I am only using Roseanne?"

"Aren't you?" she challenged. "Aren't you using her to find the love of your life?"

"Lin Yoona.... You are extremely foolish." He spat. "And you dare claimed that you are as smart as my wife. How foolish." He shook his head and walked towards the exit. However, before he could open the door, he staggered and clutched his head. "You—"

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