I don't need a Babysitter

472 26 2

Souix Falls, SD 2004

Dean always loved going to Uncle Bobby's especially when his dad got in his moods. Sure, Bobby wasn't his real uncle but he was the only other family the oldest Winchester had besides his dad and brother. Bobby always allowed Dean to be himself and let loose when he was with him, something his dad would never let him do even though he was 25 years old.

John and Dean pulled into the driveway to Singer Salvage Yard just like they had done plenty of times before. Rows upon rows of cars lined either side of them before they got to the main house.

"Now I'm going on a hunt with another hunter, you will stay here with Bobby and this guy's daughter." John spoke as he got out of the Impala.

"I don't understand why I can't come with you. I'm freaking 25 years old and don't need a freaking babysitter," Dean slammed the car door shut.

"This isn't up for discussion Dean. You are staying here while Ben and I go on this hunt." His father walked towards the house and opened the door. Dean heard the familiar sound of one of his best friend before he saw the old man in the old baseball cap.

"-he is old enough, John. You can't keep him cooped up forever." Bobby's southern accent made Dean smile.

"Hey Bobby." Dean said sliding in the doorway past his father.

"Don't you think you can come in here without giving me a hug boy," Bobby smiled with his arms outstretched towards Dean.

"It's good to see you again old man," Bobby pulled away and rolled his eyes.

"Dean, I'd like you to meet Ben Styles. We're going on a vamp hunt and will be back in a few days." John interrupted and Dean turned and shook the man's hand.

"Firm handshake. That says a lot about a man," Ben greeted the young man.

"Thank you, sir," Dean replied.

"I trust that you'll take care of my daughter while I'm gone," Ben asked and Dean nodded. "Good man. Well let me introduce you before we go. Karlie?" Dean turned his head to the young girl that turned the corner. She couldn't have been out of high school yet and looked completely full of angst.

"Karlie, meet Dean. He's staying here while I'm gone with his dad." Ben introduced the two. The girl crossed her arms over her leather jacket.

"I thought at least you'd be old enough to not need babysitting." She said as Dean looked to her father in agreeance.

"You're both staying here." John spoke as he walked out the door and Ben quickly followed after waving goodbye.

"Someone's a hard ass." Karlie commented.

"You have no idea." Dean added.

"Well, looks like it's just the three of us. Feel free to make yourselves at home. I'm going to crash for the night." Bobby said as he walked towards his room leaving the two younger people alone.

"I'm hitting the bar." Dean said throwing his bag on the couch.

"I'll join you." Karlie commented and followed him to the door.

"Hold up," Dean said turning to face her. "There's no way that you are even close enough to go to a bar." Karlie reached in her back pocket and pulled out an ID.

"It's called a fake, smart ass," She said as Dean too the card from her.

"Margret Henderson? Does your dad know you have this?" He asked protectively.

"Who do you think made it for me? Not for that purpose of course, but he only has himself to blame for it." She said grabbing her jacket before walking out the door.

"Don't you have school or something tomorrow? How old are you anyways?" He asked, following her heel to heel.

"Seventeen. And who are you, my mother? Let me just have fun for once." She said standing at the passenger door of the old mustang Dean was borrowing from Bobby.

"And what am I supposed to tell your dad huh? I took his daughter to a bar while he was gone?"

"Or you could just keep your trap shut." He shot back at him. Dean stood there for a second, contemplating his decision. He then opened his door and got in the car. Karlie stood outside with an annoyed look on her face before she saw Dean lean over and prop her door open for her.

"Don't make me regret this." He said before starting the engine.

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