I'll Never Give Up on You

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She dropped her hand from the blade, ready to let the Mark take over her body as Dean stood in shock, waiting to watch the girl he loves be taken by evil. Yet nothing happened.

"What's going on? Why didn't it work?" She asked, her anger deepening. "What did you do?" She shouted at Dean.

"I don't know," Dean looked around him, not knowing himself why it didn't work.

"Because he wasn't your brother." Sam stated while walking into the room.

"What?" Dean and Karlie asked at the same time.

"He wasn't your brother Karlie." He stated.

"But he was my mother's son." She replied angrily.

"Yes he was, but she wasn't your real mother. Your father's first wife died giving birth to their daughter, then he met your mom and she fell in love with you. She vowed to raise you as her own. So she did," He explained.

"How do you know all this?" Dean asked him.

"I asked Crowley to do some research for me, and that's what he found." He answered.

"And oh how juicy of gossip did I find." Crowley appeared behind Karlie.

"So the Mark..." She starts.

"The Mark won't do anything for you sweetheart. I think it's about time we got that nasty thing off your arms now, right boys?" He asked, looking at Dean. A wave of relief flew over Dean as he nodded.

"Right now. I'll meet you both back at your precious bunker. I'll take the liberty of delivering her there myself." He said with a snap and Karlie's wrists were bound. "Cherio."

Dean took a big breath as Karlie and Crowley vanished.

"I told you we'd get her back." Sam placed a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"Yeah, now it's a matter of getting it off her arm before she tries to kill us all." He says, looking over at Nathan's body.

"About that. Crowley found a cure as well, but it isn't going to be pretty." He stated.

"Whatever it takes, Sammy. I just want her back." He walks out of the room.

Karlie's screams were heard throughout the bunker. Anywhere Dean went he could hear the pain she was enduring. He sat in the library with a bottle of whiskey in his hands.

"How much longer?" He asked as Cas appeared next to him.

"A few more hours. We have to rip apart the Mark and her soul. It isn't pleasant down there." He stated.

"Way to sugarcoat it, Cas." Dean said before taking another swig of the amber liquid.

"It is a necessary evil, Dean. You told us to do whatever it took to get rid of the Mark."

"Yeah, the Mark she wouldn't have if it wasn't for me." He whispered.

"This isn't your fault."

"How is this not my fault? I had the Mark first, and then it some drunken stupor, gave it to the only person I've ever wanted to keep out of this life. The only girl I've ever loved. How will she ever forgive me for this?" He asks.

"She will Dean. She's always forgiven you in the past." Cas tried to reassure him.

"Yeah, well, I've never done anything like this before to her." He brought the bottle back up to his lips.

"Crowley says it's going well. Only a little bit longer and she'll be ready for recovery." Sam said, walking into the library.

"Good, I can heal her from the pain then." Cas stated as another scream ripped through the bunker. Dean flinched.

"She'll be ok, Dean. She is strong." Sam sat next to his brother.

"I guess we wait then."

It was dark before the screams had ended. It had definitely felt like more than just a few hours, it felt like centuries. Dean had stood up to go grab another bottle of whiskey when Crowley walked into the room.

"What's done is done. Now Cas is working his magic and she should be as good as new." He said with a smile.

"Hey Crowley, why did you have to separate the Mark from Karlie's soul but not Dean's?" Sam asked, standing up. This grabbed Dean's attention and he turned to face the library again from the kitchen.

"When Dean gave Karlie the Mark he literally let go of it. He willingly gave it up. Which is more than I can say about her. Her soul kept ahold of it. It wanted to keep the Mark. I had to rip the two apart." Dean closed his eyes in guilt.

"But she's herself now?" Sam asked again.

"On hundred percent her adorable self again." He replied. "And she's asking for you." He looked to Dean. Dean looked up at him and then to Sam, as if we were asking for permission to go to her. Sam nodded and Dean almost sprinted to the entrance to the dungeon and just stood there.

What if she wanted to see him so she could tell him she never wanted to see him again? To tell him that she hated him for what he did to her? He was frozen at the door. Cas appeared behind him.

"Go in Dean. She needs you right now. She's asking for you." He said before disappearing again. Dean paused for another second before he broke the threshold of the door.

He maneuvered his way through the hallway before he could see the light from the room. He stopped yet again before he heard her.

"Dean?" Her voice sounded weak. "Dean is that you?" She asked.

He turned the corner to see her. She looked weaker and more fragile than ever before.

"Karlie..." He whispered.

"Dean, please." She looked up to him, tears in her eyes.

"Baby," He said rushing to her and he dropped to his knees in front of her. "I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen." He wrapped his arms around her.

"I know. I know, Dean. It's ok. I'm here. It's me." She hugged him back.

"Thank God. I thought I lost you." He whispered into her chest. She moved and grabbed his face in her hands and looked at him.

"You can't get rid of me that easily" She smiled and pulled his face to hers, placing his lips on hers. He moved to grab her tighter and kiss her deeper. She finally pulled away from him with a smile.

"Oh, and thank you for not giving up on me." She smiled at him.

"I'll never give up on you, babygirl." He smiled back and pulled her in for another kiss.

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