The Night is Still Young

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"I am not going to a club. Why can't you meet me at a bar?" Dean asked, driving back into town from the bunker.

"Because. You're the one that wanted me to have a normal life. So here I am, living it up on ladies night. If you want to meet me, you have to meet me here." Karlie laughed on the other end of the phone.

"You know I don't do clubs, Karls. I can't do that." He said, jaw in a straight line.

"Then looks like you'll miss out." She giggled before hanging up the phone. Dean rolled his eyes. He had only been to a club once. Right after he had turned 21 and he definitely wasn't impressed. Everyone just wanted to get someone else drunk enough so they could get in their pants. Dean wanted to relax more than anything, so the bar scene worked out perfectly.

"Damnit." He whispered under his breath and started the impala up again. He needed to talk to her, and it was obvious that this was the only way tonight.

Five minutes later, Dean rolled up to the location of the bar that Karlie had hold him she was at. The neon sign was too bright for him at this time of night. He parked the car and slowly walked up to the bouncer at the entrance.

"That'll be 3 dollars," the tall man in a black shirt said without looking at Dean.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Three dollar cover charge." The man replied.

"Look, I just need to go in and get someone. I'll be in there for less than five minutes." He tried to reason with the bouncer.

"No one gets in who doesn't pay the cover charge. End of story."

"Son of a bitch." Dean reached into his pocket. "Here. Three dollars. Now can I get in?"

"Enjoy your night." The bouncer smirked at him.

Once Dean entered the club he was quickly reminded why he doesn't go to them. Ever. There were girls dirty dancing on guy and girl dirty dancing on other girls. Not that he minded the last part, he would just rather be at a strip club when that happened. He looked around for Karlie but the club was too crowded.

He weaved in and out of people before making it to the bar. He waived for the bartender's attention.

"What can I get you?" The man asked.

"Scotch on the rocks. Hey is there a place where I can see the whole club? I'm looking for someone and am having trouble finding her." Dean explained.

"VIP room. It's elevated enough so you can see across the room. Ten dollar cover charge though." The bartender informed him and handed him his ordered drink.

"Does it cost to go to the bathroom too?" He sarcastically asked, making the bartender laugh.

"Nature of the beast, man." He smiled and raised his glass to him before leaving the bar to make his way to the VIP room. Once he got to the room, He pulled ten dollars out of his pocket and the security guard took it and made a stamp on his hand.

"What the hell, man?" Dean asked.

"Allows you to leave and come back in." The guard explained and Dean nodded. He was so far out of his element here. New scene, new music, new people. He didn't want to be here anymore than he needed to get Karlie out.

The Mark however, loved this scene. So many people were around that were making Dean frustrated. The man in the corner was getting far too close to the girl he was talking to. The girl sitting on the couch with her friends was reaching into the purse of the girl who wasn't looking in her direction. And two guys next to the new bar were getting in each other's faces. The Mark was burning for Dean to get involved somehow.

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