20 Friday

14 1 0


The rest of the week went by extremely quickly Lilly is coming over tonight she has to go home tomorrow because her parents want to have a family game night on Saturday.

I'm super excited about it we have been busy with studying and taking tests all week.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I used the restroom then I headed back into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell back asleep.

A couple of hours later my mom woke up and used the restroom then she headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee.

My mom came back upstairs and opened my door and said Bella its time to get up I sighed and said ok.

She closed my door and headed back downstairs and made a cup of coffee then she went into the living room and sat down on the couch.

I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on.

I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications then I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee for school.

I headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and waited for my mom to be ready to bring me to school.

I told her that Lilly was only going to be able to stay tonight my mom said that didn't bother her.

A couple minutes later me and my mom left and headed to school so she could drop me off she said she was going to the store so she could get some food for the weekend.

After she dropped me off she said I'm going to the store then I'm going home I said ok sounds good.

I closed my mom's car door and turned around and walked towards the school building.

Lilly smiled and said I have my overnight bag I said ok and we walked inside together.

Patrick smiled and said morning girls we said morning Mr. Stump then we headed to our class for the day.

After we got to class we sat down in our seats she smiled and said well I can't wait to sleep over at your house again.

I smiled and said yea this should be a lot of fun I said we can stay up and watched movies and have a spa night Lilly smiled and said that sounds like a lot of fun.

A little while later class started my teacher put on educational videos and put grades in her computer.

Lilly said I can't wait to graduate I said me too girl she laughed and checked her notifications then she put her phone down.

I grabbed my phone and texted Patrick he said you can come in my office if you want.

I said can Lilly join he laughed and said the more the merrier a couple minutes later the teacher got a call and said ok I will send them to your office then she hung up.

She said Lilly and Bella take your stuff to Mr. Stumps office people looked at us and said oh you guys are in trouble.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my stuff and walked out the classroom Lilly walked down the hallway with me.

We quickly used the restroom then we headed into the front office Mrs. Linda smiled and said morning girls we said morning Mrs. Linda.

Lilly was also holding her overnight bag in her hand we went to Patrick's office and knocked on the door.

He opened the door and we walked in and closed the door and we put our stuff down and sat down in our chairs.

Patrick started working on his computer he smiled and said you guys were bored we said yea he laughed and said I'm sorry.

Patrick asked me and Lilly to go get his mail from Mrs. Linda Lilly ended up going to get his mail.

Me and Patrick talked about random shit and laughed together while Lilly went to go get his mail.

After Lilly came back Patrick went through his mail Lilly said you have a bathroom in your office he laughed and said yea I do.

Lilly went into his bathroom and closed the door and used it and washed her hands then she came back into his office.

I laughed and said you ok she said what do you have a mini fridge and a microwave.

He laughed and said I actually do I said shut the hell up he started laughing and handed us a drink then he continued working.

Lilly said shit I wanna be an aid as well and we all started laughing together I smiled and shook my head then she sat back down beside me.

Me and Lilly ended up playing tick tak toe while Patrick was doing work he said are you guys studying we said nope he laughed and said ok.

A little while later the bell rung and Lilly grabbed her stuff and headed to her next class for the day.

Patrick was busy organizing his filing cabinet I smiled while watching his back flex through his shirt.

He said Bella are you gonna sit there and watch or are you gonna be a nice person and help me.

I laughed and got off the chair and helped Patrick organize his filing cabinet he said thank you.

After we finished working on his filing cabinet he worked on his laptop I headed into the front office and helped Mrs. Linda with a couple things.

Thirty minutes later I headed back into Patrick's office and sat down in a chair and told him I was helping Mrs. Linda he said that's not a problem.

An hour later the bell rung and I grabbed my stuff and told Patrick bye then I headed to my next class for the day.

The rest of the day went by extremely slow after the last bell rung every one walked out of the building and walked through the parking lot.

Me and Lilly got in my mom's car Lilly introduced herself and my mom smiled and introduced herself and started driving out of the parking lot.

My mom and Lilly talked about random shit and laughed together they also got to know each other it made me smile I looked out the window while my mom drove home.

My mom picked up dinner on the way home Lilly told my mom she slept over a couple times while my mom was on her business trip.

After we got home me and Lilly changed and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen with my mom.

We all sat down at the table and ate dinner and talked about random shit and laughed together.

Patrick texted me and said he was coming over I said ok and put my phone down and listened to my mom and Lilly talking.

A couple minutes later Patrick came over and ate dinner with me my mom and Lilly she smiled and said hey Mr. Stump.

He smiled and said call me Patrick she said oh ok and continued talking to my mom me and Patrick talked about random shit and laughed together.

He smiled and continued eating his food I said I'm happy your here he smiled and said me too trust me.

After we finished eating we threw our trash away and headed into the living room and watched movies together for a while.

A couple of hours later Patrick left and went home for the night me and my mom and Lilly headed upstairs and went into our rooms.

Me and Lilly stayed up and listened to music and did some skin care and we also did some yoga.

An hour later we turned my light off then we plugged our phones in and put them down.

Me and Lilly climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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