August Trial - Part 3: Realm of Rage

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The day the world changed had started much like any other.

He'd only been a kid back then, barely even thirteen. He'd been picking his way through the woods, like he did almost every day.

As a child, he never went far from the caves. It wasn't that he wasn't allowed to, but it was sort of frowned upon. Most of the elders didn't see the need to venture out to the surface unless it was necessary; they preferred to stay in the dimly lit warrens underground. At least his parents didn't mind his adventurousness. And the fact that he almost always brought back fresh meat certainly didn't hurt.

Today, he thought he might go to the river, see if he could catch a few fish.

He wormed his way through the trees, eventually leaving the well-worn path to take a shortcut to his favorite spot. He crunched over the leaves, listening to the loud, sharp cries of the birds, and the scurrying of critters along the forest floor. Finally, he heard the sound of the river, and he knew he was only a few minutes away. Off to his right, he saw a flash of violet that seemed to light up the sky. Curious, he left the path, heading over to a small clearing. There was a girl about his own age lying in the leaves. A human girl.

He stood there, stunned. He'd never seen a human before; he'd always been told that they were mythological creatures – stories to scare children. But now that he'd found one, what should he do? He didn't think he wanted to hurt her, even though she was in his forest. Should he talk to her? Or just get rid of her?

Most of the stories he'd heard about humans said they were dangerous. They were always hunting things they didn't need, taking whatever they wanted for the sheer fun of it. Iamin could respect that; his own people weren't much different in that regard. But that didn't mean he'd want her to do that around here. But watching her laying in the leaves, she didn't seem all that dangerous. Actually, she might need his help. How long could she lounge with her face buried like that before it became a problem?

Iamin slid closer, eyes never leaving the girl. Finally, she started to stir.

Now, he had a decision to make. He didn't know anything about humans outside of what he'd read in a few stories, but everything he did know screamed not to let her see his true form. But how should he change? Should he be more human or less?

In general, he looked just less than half human. If he went less, it'd be quicker. He'd also be able to disguise himself completely, and he wouldn't have to worry about walking on strange human legs. He could stalk her, observing. And she'd never even know he was there.

But if he decided to look completely human, he could ask her questions. And when would he get another chance to actually talk to one of these?

He decided his best bet was to look human. He finished changing just as she opened her eyes.

She stared quizzically at him for a second with intense green eyes. Then looking around, she asked, "Where am I?"

She pushed herself back into a sitting position, and Iamin could see her trousers were ripped at the knee. He could practically taste the blood.

"Are you alright?" he asked. He couldn't tell if he hoped the answer was yes or no.

"Uh... yeah." her cheeks flushed. "I think I just tripped. I wasn't really looking and..."

The girl glanced at the ground, twirling something absentmindedly around her thumb. Iamin looked. It was a silver ring with a small amethyst embedded into the band and roses carved into the metal. He was transfixed. He couldn't believe she had something like that. Was it a trick?

"Where did you get that?" he asked.

"This?" the girl looked at him strangely. "It's my grandma's."

"I see..." Iamin said. "And she gave it to you?"

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