Chapter Eleven

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The next day, not that Zayn had been able to sleep at all, he sat on his bed until a nurse went and unlocked his door for him. They had taken away his clothes and personal items, replacing them all with hospital clothes, so currently he was waiting for them to open the door for him to be able to go take a shower. He sighed and stared out of the window, the day was cloudy and grey, he wanted to leave already and he hadn't even been there for 24 hours.

Five minutes later he heard his door unlock, and a nurse, whom he met the night before named Kelly, walked in with a new set of clothes and a toiletry bag. She smiled and made her way over to Zayn setting the things on the bed.

"Good morning, sleep okay?" She asked looking at Zayn, who only shook his head. "I'm sorry, it's hard to get used to. But you'll see that once you realize we're only trying to help you'll be able to be here without feeling uncomfortable." She said giving Zayn a reassuring smile. He nodded and looked over at the things she had placed on the bed.

"Where do I go to shower?" Zayn asked her, since they hadn't exactly given him a tour of the facility. They locked him in his room after his parents left, only going to take him lunch and dinner, which he barely touched, then later on to give him clothes to change into to go to bed.

"Just follow me." She said making her way towards the door, Zayn got out of the bed, taking the items in his arms and following her. She led him down the hallway, turned a corner and led him down another hallway before stopping in front of two doors. She pointed at the one he needed to go into. "Don't worry about, other's being in there at the same time as you. We only allow one person to shower at once, so it's like a bedroom bathroom, except not decorated like one would be." She explained. Zayn nodded and knocked on the door before entering, Kelly smiled before walking away. Not before telling Zayn to return to his room after he was done.

Zayn closed and locked the door behind himself, he sighed and set his things down, before walking over to turn on the shower. He began undressing himself, waiting for the water to warm up at least a tad. He grabbed everything he needed to shower and stepped into the shower. He thought about Liam, his parents, his friends, his home, his bedroom, his school and everything from back home, trying not to cry as he showered. He didn't want to be there, but he had no choice. Not anymore.

Once he was done, he turned the water off grabbing the towel that was provided, dried himself off before changing into the clothes quickly. He brushed his teeth and made sure he wasn't leaving anything behind as he exited the bathroom. As Zayn walked out, he was greeted by a secure guard, he raised an eyebrow at him before the man spoke.

"I'm here to escort you back to your room." The man said, simply. Zayn nodded slowly before they both began walking.

"Why?" Zayn asked looking up at the tall rather buff man.

"Because you're new, and are aware that you are capable of escaping if you had the chance. You don't want to be here, so you'd do anything to get out. Patients who have been here longer, have given up on trying to escape because they know there's no use. New patients, like yourself, probably don't think they'll be able to handle being here and would want to leave right away, hence trying to escape." The man explained, Zayn nodding as he spoke.

"Is there going to be someone following me all the time?" Zayn asked as they reached his room. The man, who Zayn later found out was Officer Hank, shook his head.

"Probably just the first few days, but really, the first few days they won't let you leave your room as much as they let the other patients do. But don't worry kid, everyone here is very friendly, they won't hurt you. Just, once they do let you roam around on your own, avoid the other patients, some of them can get a bit, rowdy, I guess you can say. They get very territorial and possessive about things." Zayn nodded slowly.

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