C1. Sadie

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What is 21 ÷ 3.
I knew this. This is 2nd grade level math. Yet here I am, in sophomore year, still having to spend a whole minute thinking on it.

My younger sister used to always distract me when I was doing my homework, I had always shushed her and made her flee out of my room. It's still one of my biggest regrets. Not being a good sister.

7. It was seven. I mentally slap myself for being so dumb.

My door flings open and before I can turn, two arms from behind me are around my neck. I immediately knew who it was.

"It doesn't take that long to knock Al." I roll my eyes but lean into his touch. My chair leans back with me.

Alexander hated his actual name so he made people call him Alex, but he said that there was an 'exception ' for me. So here I am, calling him Al since Kindergarten.

"Yeah but then you'd know who's there."

"I already knew who was there." I turn my head around to see him above me.

His curly brown hair that has been cut an inch shorter two weeks ago hadn't grown out yet. His jawline was sharp as he smiled down at me.

"I still can't figure out a nickname for you." Al always wanted to find a nickname for me, saying it was only fair since he let me call him Al.

I unwrap his arms from my neck and get up. "I don't need a nickname, my actual name is fine."

I push the beige colored chair back to where it belongs and then turn back to Al, but he was no longer standing in the same spot. He instead sat on my bed.

"Did my mom let you in?" I ask, coming over to the bed and sitting opposite to him.

I play with the light grey sheets, my fingers were visible through the sheet.

"Yeah she did," He throws himself backwards onto my pillow, pulling me with him.

I hadn't seen Al for about a week.

My mom always liked Alexander more like a child than her daughters friend.

"I'm so tired." He groans. Al played basketball, since he was around eight.

"When did practice end?" I ask, looking up at the clock. 7: 03 pm.

I look back at him. His eyes were closed, but I knew he was awake since his breathing was fast, unlike when you're asleep, it's slow and soft.

Without opening his eyes he pulls me closer to him if that's even possible. We were best friends. I had thought about us being more, he probably has too. But he had probably had lines of girls waiting for him.

I on the other hand was single and have always been.

"6:00 I think, but I went home and came here. "

I look back up at him and notice his hair was wet. He probably went home and showered like he usually does.

" You're getting my pillows wet you monster, get up. " Though I didn't really care.

He groans but when his eyes opened they held amusement. His eyes were a swirl of grey and blue. I loved them.

He stayed in his position keeping our staring contest in tact.

" Groan all you want. " I pull both of his arms and still he didn't budge. After a while he gave up and let me pull him up. He was really strong, here I was, not being able to carry two cartons of milk without my arms getting exhausted.

His face was inches from mine. I pull his curly hair out of his face and pull my hands out of his.

"You can sleep here if you want. I was kidding about my pillows getting wet. "

" I know, don't you have homework? " I had forgotten about that. It was due next week, but Al knew I did my assignments the day after we get them.

" Shoot I forgot. " I had totally forgotten about my homework the second he stepped in my room.

" Can you do it in a bit? " His voice sounded so tired.

I smiled at him and watched him lie down. My mom never minded if he stayed over whether it was for hours, or whether it was nights.

I lay down next to him. Could this last forever? My head on his shoulder, his arm around me. I hope it did. After all it had lasted for 12 years.

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