3. Sadie

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I grab my bag and head outside where Brandon's car was parked on my driveway.

I didn't like Brandon, he flirted with me. The only person I allow to do that is Al. Mostly because it's a joke with him. Mostly.

I walk over to the Subaru. There were 5 seats. Including the front two, the drives seat and the passengers seat.

"Hey Sadie." One of the boys say, Jayden I think.

I give him a small smile before I feel hands playing with my hair.

Instead of turning around I lean back into Al's chest.

"Are you lovebirds coming or not?" Brandon calls out without looking away from his phone.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Al walks around me to the backseat. There was the passenger seat open, or the back seat towards the left.

"Can I have the backseat?" He asks, looking over at me.

I nod and open the passenger door. I slip into the seat.

I look out the window to my house. My mom was always stuck in a zone after my dad and sister died. The zone lasted for years. Until I gathered up all my allowance to pay for therapy for her. She thanked me so much. She cried saying how much of a bad mother she was.

I can hear everyone in the car talking, but I tune them out and listen to the song that's playing. This was the song that played just before the car crash.

My dad, sister and me, were going to my volleyball practice. I wanted to go even though my parents had told me they had work and that my dad was tired. My sister wanted to watch. She was only five at the time, while I was only 11.

My dad had gotten extra hours at the hospital, and me being stupid never understood how tired he was.

I begged him to go to volleyball with me. I still can't even believe how selfish I was. I wish I died in the car crash and not them, I deserved it more.

My dad felt bad and finally agreed. On a green light , we go as usual. But this time, a huge truck with metal poles attached to it doesn't stop at his red light. I was too late to tell my dad once he went, out of the other two lanes, we were the first to go. Which means we took the blow.

I can feel my eyes stinging and then tears starting to well in my eyes. I turn towards the window and use my sweaters sleeve to wipe my eyes before anyone notices.

I shouldn't be crying, it was my fault anyway.

That's when I realized conversation had ended with them and it was quiet.

I turn towards them to see Tom and Jayson and even Brandon on their phones. I panic. This could lead to a car crash.

"Hey uh... Brandon?"

He looks up from his phone at me, "Yeah?"

"Could you get off your phone while driving please?"

He laughs a bit, " Why, it's a red light? "

Deal with it, Sadie.

I turn back towards the window, focusing on my breathing to not let myself panic.

I could feel my breathing get a bit faster. I feel a hand on my right arm. It was Al's.

" Come on Brandon." His deep voice made his words project more.

I see Brandon roll his eyes, and then shove his phone into his pocket.

I squeeze Al's hand .

I turn around to see him smiling at me.

Thank you. I mouth to him.

He nods, he squeezes my hand back.

Al knew me well. He knew when I was sick and tried to get away with it. He knew when I felt sad. He even knew how to make me feel better.

Once we finally get out of the car, I start to walk away when Al comes up behind me.

We walk together until he asks a question.

"What happened in the car?"


"Don't lie to me, Sadie."

"I'm not."

"Yeah you are."

"Am not."

"Fine, but we are talking about it later."

"When is later? Cause I'm busy then."

Al rolls his eyes. Soon we make it to our homeroom class. Luckily, Al is in this class with me, including three more.

But for the rest I have a few of my other friends in classes.

I walk over to my desk.

The teacher starts talking about random things, this teacher just loves being social and making other people social.

We had to sit next to someone we haven't sat next to before in this homeroom. I sat alone. So this was a piece of cake. Al makes eye contact with me and I immediately realize that we have sat together before.

People got ones and twos, if i were a one, I'd stay at my desk. But if I was a two, I'd make my way to someone.

I was luckily a one.

The teacher gives a count off, and then the classroom was chaos.

I zone out without thinking about anything. Don't even ask me why, cause I don't even know myself.

Once I look back at the more quiet classroom, there's a blonde boy next to me.

His eyes were a like glowy blue.

"Hey, I'm Jeremy."

Jeremy extends one of his arms to me.

I give one of my famous fake smiles and shake his hand. I could immediately feel him flexing.

I wanted to laugh and roll my eyes. But that was rude.

"I'm Sadie."

Pretty Little Liars - book 1Where stories live. Discover now