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What even was last night? 

"Are you listening Reneé?" Aaron asks as we wrap up the last of our project. He got back early this morning and wanted to go over our work together before we handed them in.

"Yeah sorry I blanked out," I reply, my thoughts wondering between everything and nothing at the same time. 

"Okay well, I think we're good to submit. I'm ready whenever you are," he says studying me, his glasses sitting lazily on his nose bridge.

"I'm ready," I nod to him. Submitting the assignment and shutting my computer we both let out a heavy sigh. Three full weeks of nonstop hanging out with Aaron and, of course doing this project worth of feelings let out in that sigh.

"Let's go do something," he says, turning to look at me. I don't reply, instead, I look at him with raised eyebrows and lift a finger.

"What?" He asks, confusion drawn on his face. "I'm busy. Today... And for the next few days," I lie, smiling at him and looking away before he's able to catch on to it. 

"Well, I don't mind just hanging out when you're done being busy Regan." A small grin falls on his lips, the nickname he gave to me even after knowing my name easing the mood. He stands after packing up and waits for me to do the same. 

As we walk towards the commons, we talk about his impromptu vacation back home. But my mind isn't on our conversation. I keep thinking back to last night and Zachariah and I's encounter. Our Overflirtatious relationship? Zach and I had never gone past calling each other attractive, and it wasn't anything weird because we had always done this since the beginning of our friendship. But being that close to him last night I started to feel so many different things.

"You've been distracted the entire time you've been with me Reneé," Aaron stops and turns. He lifts his hands before throwing them down.

"Am I bothering you or something? I can leave," agitation etched in his tone. He waits for a response, but I have nothing to say and continue to stare at everything but him. After a few silent seconds, he walks away without waiting for a response and I don't stop him. I just physically couldn't bring myself to. I continue towards the library in silence, needing some quiet time to think.

Reneé text me when you get this but I need help with something could you come up? If you have time though. Zach texts me. Rolling my eyes, I ignore his text message and find an empty booth in the library.

Can these men leave me alone? 


"I'm so serious, I've never had sushi before," I tell Stella as we walk across campus to the gym. I had spent the last three hours in the library ignoring messages from Aaron and Zachariah and spent that time organizing my thoughts, before heading to my dorm and changing into some gym clothes to let out some steam.

"Let's get some after our workout. And boba," she says excitedly. Nodding, we head into the gym and start stretching. 

"You know it's weird we've never hung out alone by ourselves Reneé," she says as she finishes her tricep stretch. "I know, but it's fine I know both you and Lori have the worst schedules. I'm happy that I can even hang out with you today. But let's make this workout sess quick I want to go out tonight," I respond setting the resistance bands away before turning around to face Stella.

"You want to do what?" she asks, wide-eyed as she stared at me. I was expecting that reaction, I hadn't been out since the party I met Aaron at.  

"Yeah, I know. I just want to have fun for once without worrying about anything you know. And I'm pretty much caught up with school so I'm good," I finish as Stella jumps up and down before clapping. 

"Good Reneé, that's goo-," but she couldn't finish her sentence before she was cut off by the prettiest dark skin man I had ever seen.

"Hey, I'm so sorry for interrupting you. I just had to let you know you're stunning," he says to Stella, as she stands confused and surprised. Stella stands there still confused before looking over at me, her facial expression unreadable.

"Thank you, thank you. Noah right? You're one of the student coaches for the track team," she points to him, as he nods and chuckles softly. "That's me," he points out. They continue having small talk and I use this opportunity to run to the bathroom. Opening my phone, I noticed 3 missed calls from Zach and a cryptic message from Aaron. 

I see you. Walking out of the bathroom I look around the gym and can't find Aaron anywhere. Rolling my eyes I text him back.

Stop being a weirdo and come out. I felt bad for how I treated him earlier today. It's not like it's his fault that I like him or don't know how to define Zach and I's relationship. I notice Stella and Noah were still having a very good conversation, and I wave to her which thank God she sees before texting her I would be leaving to go back to my room. I didn't spend a long time at the gym but just walking here was 25 minutes I think that is good enough, and I have to walk back too.

I saw you in passing Reagan. I hope you're better now, and sorry for how I acted. Aaron texts back. Smiling, I put on my headphones and start the journey back, romanticizing the beautiful warm bed waiting for me when I got into my room. I wasn't going to talk to Zach until I knew how to define the feelings that were arising for him, just to make sure I wasn't acting irrationally.


"Reneé why are you still sleeping wake up we're supposed to go out tonight!" Stella yells, throwing my pillow in my face. Groaning I flip her off and sink deeper into the warm blanket. Afraid that I wouldn't be able to get back to the beautiful dream I was having I close my eyes trying to get it back, but the sound of other people entering the room makes me get back up. I sit up before turning to see everyone in the room. 

And I mean everyone.

Imani, Lori, James, Stella. And Zach. The same Zach that I had been ignoring for approximately the entire day. They all stood in front of me, looking very good by the way, and everyone had on an all-black outfit. 

"Dudes, I know I said I was going to go out but I um," I clear my throat before feigning a cough "Lowkey feel sick I can't go anymore," I say, staring at everyone but him. Lori walks up to me concerned before placing her hand on her forehead and mine to compare temperatures. Quickly taking her hand off me she smacks my forearm.

"Stop lying Nae," she says smacking her lips. Groaning, I hop out of bed as I walk past Zach, giving him an awkward smile and surprisingly getting one in return. The boys head to the lounge as the girls wait for me to get ready as they pick an outfit.

"Hey Stells how was your conversation with Noah," I wink at her as I come out of the bathroom. She winces and closes her eyes before laughing. 

"You know what's funny Reneé, I've thought he was pretty hot on occasions, but I'm too much of a pussy to say," She responds, as Imani and Lori listen in to our conversation.

"Wait Stella are you talking about Noah Brooks, like the one black boy coach," she says walking over to Stella and grabbing her hands. Stella nods slowly, her eyes roaming the room skeptically, before falling back on Lori.

"Yes!Yes!Yes!," Lori yells, before grabbing Stella and pulling her into a hug. Imani and I stare at each other, oblivious to the knowledge Lori had of Noah.

"He's been talking about you for ages. He knows my brother they are in the same frat. He asked about you on the night of the welcome party at the beginning of the year and wanted to talk to you but was nervous. Wow, I guess chivalry isn't dead," Lori ends, smiling before shaking Stella who laughs awkwardly, a small smile slowly creeping onto her face.

Filler chapter but also made some changes to the cast so if you wanna go check it out that would be cool. Slightly edited, bare with me

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