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"When do you leave for break?" Aaron breaks the silence as we continue down the hill towards the dining hall. I was surprised he hadn't asked about the argument back in my room.

"I'm not so sure." I say sternly, hoping he wouldn't continue for a response. He chuckles, before picking up the pace and closing the distance between himself and I.

"I saw your to-do list. You have a lot of stuff to do don't you," he says. I had worried about how I was getting home for Thanksgiving break, but not enough. I had ten days to figure out how I was going to get there and had no ideas down.

"Yea way too much," I chuckle. We make our way inside and find a seat before looking for something to eat. The search is quiet, and before long we are making our way back to the table.

"You know, I don't mind taking you home," he says, grimness etched in his tone. Aaron was one to say things he didn't really mean, or never hold up to his promises. However, I still couldn't let this opportunity go.

"Really?" I eyes almost popping out its socket. He smiles at me, before taking a fry and plopping it into his mouth.

"What are you smiling about, I'm actually seriously asking if you would," I continue, punching his shoulder. He laughs even louder, causing us to get stares from others in the dining hall. I usually didn't really care, but I wasn't feeling in the mode to be the center of attention today. I quiet Aaron down by smacking him one last time, a happy smile crawling up my face.

"You don't even know where I live," I tell him, plopping a fry into my mouth. He shrugs before moaning something out. He looks up at me, his brown eyes sparkling.

"Trust me I can find out," he winks.


"So you guys know it's finals after this break, make sure to study and get all the assignments for the course done so you have time to study. I'll have office hours online for anyone with questions regarding the assignment over break so feel free to teach out," my Chemistry teacher announces. Letting out a sigh, I quickly grab my coat and place my computer into my bag. The entire room filed out in a fraction of a second and I continueout the room.

I still hadn't talked with Imani, and even though she hadn't moved out of the room yet, she had not been in there at least since the night she bumped into Aaron and I. I hadn't texted the other girls either or James, and I wasn't going to until I had my mind set straight.

"Hey Reneé," I hear from behind me. Turning around I come to face Zach. He walks towards me, closing the space between us. We exchange awkward smiles, and a slight tension fills the air.

"So, how are you?" I ask, my gaze fixated in front of me. Zach chuckles and he leans around and down to my height to look me in the eyes.

"What are you doing Reneé?" He says, his brows scrunched in confusing. How he couldn't feel the awkward tension between us is insane, but knowing Zach he probably was trying to ignore it as much as possible.

"What makes you think I'm doing anything?" I laugh awkwardly, before picking up my pace and shrugging him off.

His hands reach out to grab my arm before gently squeezing and stopping me. We walk calmly as the chilly autumn air blew over our skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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