Chapter 4

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|Everything just feels worst|

Tinn was sure the guy next to Gun was not from their class M5, nor was the guy one of Gun's friends. Tinn knew who were Gun's friends, even if he didn't know their names, he remembers their faces, the group would always stick together no matter where they were, causing chaos and trouble for people around them.

So pondering he steps closer, just enough to understand what were they talking about, making sure he wouldn't catch their attention, on closer inspection the guy did look little older than them.

Is he a senior? Tinn thought, and the next second he got his answer.

"Phi~! Please stop teasing." Gun was a giggling mess to whatever, the senior had just said to him. Raffling Gun's bangs on the front, as Gun pushed the senior's hand away playfully with a shy smile on his face, "What do i do Nong, you are just so cute, when you get so shy with just a few compliments, Mr Best Vocalist." Gun was turning from pink to crimson by each passing second. Tinn just frowned not understanding why was he feeling such annoyance or was it anger?

"You are stretching this too far Phi, I am not even that good at singing." Gun said humbling himself down, Tinn mentally scoffed, the performance he had witnessed on his birthday was enough proof of Gun's amazing vocals, that even Tinn had to admit, but only to himself.

"Oh really? Do you not remember the video that went viral on the Internet last year after the Hot Wave competition?" The senior rose an eyebrow at Gun, the smile on his face just grew more shy, trying to seal his wobbly lips as he tries not to smile wide remembering the incident.

A video went viral? Tinn thought having no clue.

"That was just pure luck." Gun retorted cutely, palming his cheeks softly which hurt due to all the smiling he was doing. "Phi I think it's enough, my cheeks hurt." He whined, the senior just shook his head with a soft smile. "This kid, fine let's go back." He said patting Gun's head as they make their way back to the Music Club room.

"So I will be taking it as a sure sign, that you will be performing a congratulation song for us too, this year right?" The senior continued teasing Gun with a chuckle. "Phi!" And Gun just whined with a bright smile.

Tinn's gaze just followed as both the boys walk away, while Gun was still smiling and giggling non stop, legs skipping steps not able to contain his giddiness. Tinn just stood there face devoid of any emotions, eyes mainly focused on Gun. What's so amusing about that? 

Tinn didn't realise just how long he was standing still, Gun and the senior were already out of sight, when a vibration in his pant pocket grabbed his attention, seeing his mom's call he picks up, "Tinn, the meeting is over, I will be by the parking lot." She said, "I will be right there, mom." Tinn replied as he glared at the direction Gun walked by, moving his legs to the opposite direction.

After reaching home now inside his room, comfortably on his bed back leaning against the head board with his casual clothes on, laptop on his lap with a conflicting expression on his face, should he be searching the video of Gun that he overheard about? Fighting with all reasonings in his head, getting frustrated he searches for the said video.

The first video that popped up after he typed Hot Wave was the one with millions of views with Gun on the thumbnail, he was sure it was Gun even if the background was dark and Gun was hard to make out just by his back on it.

Tinn paused his finger midway from playing the video, contemplating whether he was ready for what the video was about to present, What if other people are in it, singing too? But curiosity got the best of him and he played the video anyway.

What presented Tinn was Gun singing, mic on his right hand elbow held high up, face full of joy and excitement as the crowd cheered him on without a break, Tinn remembers the Gun he saw for the first time sing was full of charm and a little bit shy, but the one he saw right now seemed like he had conquered the entire world through his singing, he looked mesmerising, no wonder the video had gone viral.

Tinn would occasionally frown and mentally block the sounds, if someone else other than Gun was on the screen or singing, he was here just to hear Gun sing not the others. He could only tolerate -enjoy- Gun's voice and no one else.

How could Tinn not know about this video, simple after the mini concert at Mrs Gim's shop, Tinn had shut himself off from any and everything related to Gun, he was scared and surprised how Gun just didn't seem to leave him alone in his own mind, Gun was all on his mind for weeks or even months, so he even blocked out the Hot Wave competition out of his mind with rigorous study sessions, thoughts of Gun lessened but were still present at the back of his mind, now whenever he encountered anything related to singing, Gun was the first one to occupy his mind. He didn't mind Gun in his thoughts if it meant he could forget the bitter memories of the past, but not too much of Gun would he let in.

Now the only view that was replaying in his mind was of Gun and the senior, their interaction left a nasty feeling inside of him and he didn't like even a second of it, but before he could think more on it, his mom's voice rang from the other side of the door calling for his attention, "Tinn! Dinner is ready, come down within few minutes." "Yes mom!" He replies closing his laptop and making his way down.

Now all the three family members were on the dinner table, eating their food in silence, after some seconds his mom decides to break it, "So Tinn how is school going on honey?" She asked, "Fine mom." Tinn's reply was short as he continues eating his meal, his parents look at each other, this time his dad speaks, "Tinn, have you decided what career path you will be taking after graduating high school? Son." Tinn pauses and continues, "Not yet." Again with the short reply, he had figured it out where they were going with this conversation. "What do you think about taking medicine, Tinn?" His mom asked hesitant, Tinn just hums, he didn't care much about the field he would be choosing in the future as long as he was good at it. His mom clears her throat and begins, this time changing the question, "What do you think about joining the student council as a member, Tinn?" He stops, now that was unexpected, Tinn in the student council? There was no way he would join that, he was comfortable in the crossword club and that was more than enough, being a part of the student council was out of question.

"I will think about it later." His parents knew it meant he would not think about it, but they didn't press him any further and let the topic go for now.

The time for finals were approaching close, and the Hot Wave music competition even closer. Tinn was not going to entertain any thoughts, other than his studies for the exams for the next 2 months, -hopefully-.




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