Chapter 8

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|When the opportunity arises|

Today as the first day of M6 begins, Tinn has been patiently waiting, with all the preparations and work he had done the past few days with Tiw's help, he was sure everything was bound to fall in the right places.

Now with all the students assembled on the school grounds, Tinn was for the first time so eager, so excited. He kept glancing at the stage in front of him, waiting for his mom to arrive and announce the news already, in his excitement what he failed to notice was, as Tiw sneaked closer to him slowly, "Tinn.. I am not sure why, but your lover boy is staring us down." He whispered as discreet as possible, that made Tinn come out of his reverie, What?! Tinn's eyes widened a bit as his gaze landed on Gun catching his eyes on himself, as soon as Gun realised that Tinn was now looking at him, his face lit up giving the taller a playfully sweet yet knowing smile, Tinn was bewildered beyond comprehension, why was Gun looking at his direction and especially at him, was he supposed to return the smile back or not? It didn't make any sense to him.

Just few more seconds and Tinn was sure to avert his eyes with his gaze unsteady, but all thanks to Mrs Photjanee's voice commanding attention through the microphone, did their eye contact break and Gun turned towards the stage, Tinn sighed in relief mentally as Gun's gaze was off of him now, Tinn wasn't yet prepared to face Gun as it seems, he still needs more preparation and weeks ago he was thinking of wooing Gun at the club, it was a good thing that the dating ban made him take a step back and reconsider his actions before he could embarrass himself at night.

Tinn was so out of it due to the sudden shocking event, taking his time to get back to his senses, he had missed out on most of his mom's speech, only hearing the last parts now, "-The student president election is about to commence soon, so I hope the participants are well prepared for it. As the student council members will be the ones to ensure that the students and clubs which have or can cause troubles are taken care of." Mrs Photjanee finished her speech, but not before giving the music club members a warning look.

Por, Pat and Yo looked the most anxious and worried knowing that the Vice principal had risen to become their Head principal, Win looked furious and Gun, he looked stealthy cold, he would not let it slide if his club or friends were in any form of danger, it doesn't matter who is the one threatening them, he will fight till the end.

Even after the assembly had ended and everyone was on their way to class, Tinn's mind was still on Gun, the thought of his sudden attention on Tinn was just not leaving him. "I seriously got a fright seeing your lover boy and his friend looking at our direction for a second there, but did you do something and not tell me?" Tiw asked narrowing his eyes on Tinn, "I didn't." Tinn replied, At least not yet. "Fine, whatever. We better give our names as the candidates for the student body elections." Tiw said dragging Tinn to the election office sparing no time to hear any reply from Tinn.

Days have passed dealing with all the election related rounds Tinn had to pass, he has never been so busy in his entire life, so exhausted talking and interacting with so many different people all at once. He swore if it wasn't for the shitty no dating rule of the Music club and the only one who can disband the clubs was the school president, he wouldn't have ran for the school president's seat in the first place.

He could have just let his mom disband the Music club her own way and not be nominated for the school president, but there would be a catch, Gun would never agree to date a guy whose mother had disbanded his precious Music Club, and Tinn would have to inevitably take the step towards the president's seat, why? Because if he didn't, Tiw would run for the school president just to not let the previous thing happen, he would save the clubs and also find ways to set his friend and Gun up with time. Well it's a different take that Tinn doesn't really want to get in a serious relationship with Gun. The actual reason being, Tinn wanted to deal with his problems himself, getting an outcome through others just wasn't much satisfactory to him.

Nevertheless as both Tinn and Tiw rest on the seats in their empty classroom, after all the hard work they had done for the election, now they just have to wait for the results, which mostly everybody by now knew that Tinn was going to win, the proof was right in front of everyone's sight, they were surprised how capable Tinn was with his intellect and Tinn was surprised by how well he could actually deal with people and public speeches, with just the right amount of guidance from Tiw, it somehow came very naturally to Tinn which he never knew he could do, it was making Tinn see himself in a bit different -better- light.

"Man I am exhausted to the bone." Tiw whines as he slumps down the desk, "Why did you nominate yourself for the Vice President's seat?" Tinn asked, this thought has been bugging him for a while now, "How could I not, seeing you go through so much just to save your beloved and his club from your mother, as your best friend I had to show my full support one way or another." Tiw raised his fist to the front as if he was going to win a war, and Tinn just let any more questions he had go, he knew Tiw very well by now.

"Say you love him so much, right? With all that you have done till now just for him." Tiw asked dreamily through his exhausted state, Oh my, oh my, only if you knew Tiw, only if you knew. Tinn was having a blast laughing in his mind, and Tiw mistook the smile on Tinn's face as shy fondness as Tinn got up, "I am going to get some fresh air." He said and left the class now near the school grounds, letting his mind relax from everything that has happened.

"Hi Tinn." A sudden greeting made Tinn snap his head back, heart skipping beats as the voice which was oh so familiar, he could not forget even if he wanted to, seeing Gun walk leisurely towards him with his sweet smile, with both of his hands inside his front pockets of his school uniform, with his shirt undone again. Does he not know how to wear the school uniform properly like ever! Tinn thought face blank for a second, he and Tiw had been going places all for the election and still their uniforms were always tidy without fail.

Tinn had mastered how to fake being friendly by now all thanks to Tiw, making Tinn meet several people with different personality from the get go, after Tinn had said he was planning to run for the school president, now was the time to check if all the practice he had done, would bear fruition in front of the guy who makes Tinn lose his mind.

"What brings you here Gun?" Tinn asked using a smile, his heart beating a little faster than normal, being close to Gun as himself was not easy, without him panicking like he always does, "Me? A break from practising music, and you?" Gun replied, ending with a question as cheerful as always. "Just some fresh air." Tinn responds as casually as he can, Gun just hums in understanding, "Must be a pain, the election?" Gun asked, Tinn would have agreed but he had to play the part of a honourable -future- school president from the start, wouldn't he? So with his act intact he lets out a light chuckle, "It's not like that, I have to fulfil all my duties if I want to be a good school president deserving of that title." Tinn said all lies, Gun seemed impressed believing Tinn, "Hope we don't end up being enemies in the future Mr. School President, we are on the opposing sides after all." Was all Gun said wiggling his brows before taking his leave, enemies? Tinn was planning for things much worst than that.

Why don't I give you a friendly warning for now. Tinn mentally concluded, before Gun could go much further away from Tinn, he calls Gun, "Gun! It would be very beneficial if your band joined any music competitions now." Tinn said with the most convincing sincerity on his face and voice, Gun just looked at Tinn with a confused expression still having his smile on, as he left unsure of what the statement and sentiment meant.

Tinn hadn't planned to start his act just yet, but seeing Gun himself come to Tinn, he just had to use the opportunity, Gun just made it easier by being the first one to approach Tinn.




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