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Y/N point of view

"I can't believe you did this all for me" Gyuvin said in shock. "You didn't think it was weird at all that you were with me the whole day" Junhyeon asked Gyuvin. "I thought you genuinely wanted to hang out with me" his smile dropped. Almost feeling betrayed that Junhyeon didn't was to hang out with him. "Junhyeon Y/N you tricked me-" he said starting to place the blame of me. "Cmon if Gunwook went he would've told him" I said giving Junhyeon a pat on the back.

"Oh right this is Tae Rae's gift for you" I said handling the gift he gave me earlier. He looked inside the bag and began to laugh. "What's so funny" I asked. "He bought the cutest clothes for eumppappa" he said showing me. "How does he know your dog?" I asked him. "Everyone knows my dog" he said proudly.

After we talked to some guests we went to go find our friends. Gunwook finally revealed their surprise cake him and Yujin planned. "Happy birthday dick ha ha ha don't write that his name is Gyuvin" Gyuvin read outloud. Gunwook and Yujin could not stop laughing at his reaction. "Guys you shouldn't have" he said instantly going to hug him. "Our cake is better than Y/N's" Gunwook adds. "Oh shut up Gyuvin will love it as soon as he sees all the sweets it has" I said rolling my eyes. "Where's Ricky anyways?" Minji asked. "He should've been back already" I said looking around to find him.

I then saw his blond hair in the crowd. We made eye contact and then decided come to us. "Gyuvin happy birthday" he said giving him a thin box present. "Rickyyyy you shouldn't have" he said excitedly opening it. Then it revealed that it was a picture of himself. "I know this present is definitely the best you've gotten so far" Ricky said proudly. "I love it I'll make sure to hang it up in my restroom!" He said. "Why would you hang it there!?" Ricky started to get annoyed at him. "Why not so all my guests can see you while they shit" he teased Ricky. "Please hang it up somewhere cleaner" Ricky started to argue with him. Them two never stop bickering, but deep down inside the both adore each other.

We then head to the kitchen to see what Hanbin and Zhanghao they cooked up for a Gyuvin. "Gyuvin I would be careful Zhanghao was cooking.." Hanbin warned him. "Are you not trusting my cooking?" Zhanghao turned to face him. "No no it's just your cooking is questionable some-" Hanbin was cut off as soon as Gyuvin without hesitation started to try Hao's dishes. "It tastes pretty good to me" Gyuvin said. "I can't believe you didn't trust me" Zhanghao said giving him a spoonful of his dish. Hanbins features soften after he tried it. "I'll never doubt you again" he said reassuringly to him.

"Y/NNN can we go to your room for a while" Gyuvin asked me. "Are you sure?" I asked him. "I want to get away from everyone for a while" he said while clinging on me. "Okay okay let's go" I said taking him to my room.

He opened the door and instantly pushed me back to lean in to kiss me. I was going indulge him but then I pushed him back a little. I started to giggle a bit and then he pinned me on the wall and leaned towards me neck, but I kept getting flustered so I kept running away from his grasp til I fell on my bed. "Y/N why do you keep avoiding my kisses" he said leaning close enough to touch my lips. "What the fuck" we both quickly turn around and saw Yujin come out from my restroom.

"Yujin what are you doing in my restroom-" I quickly asked. "You guys are going to give me mental scars" he said covering his eyes from us. "How we're we supposed to know you were in her restroom" Gyuvin said finally getting up. "I can't even look at you two" he said walking out of the room. We both sat there dumbfounded for a while and then just ended up laughing. "At this point that kid never gets a break from us does he" I said facing him. "Nope not at all" he said finally kissing me everywhere he wanted to.

"So where's my gift" he instantly asked me. "Do you want the expensive one first or give the eatable one" I said going to my closet to go get them. "Eatable one" he said. I dragged a suitcase with a bow in it and gave it to him. "You got me a full suitcase of snacks!" He said opening it up. "I caught a glance of your suitcase at Jeju when I was returning Zhanghao notes. Seemed that you do this pretty often" I said teasing him on how he packed snacks over clothes. "Hey I can survive without clothes but not without food" he pointed out as he started to munch of his snacks.

"What's the other gift" he then asked. I gave him a box of a watch he was eyeing when he accompanied me shopping. I insisted to get it for him but he wouldn't let me buy it for me. "You didn't have to" he said as I put it on him. "I wanted to" I said. I didn't care that it costed a lot if it made him happy. He then hugged me. "You really don't need to be spending this much on me" he said placing his head on my shoulder. "Gyu you look good with it on let's go downstairs to go eat cake mhm!" I said stroking his hair. "Thank you for making this birthday memorable let's celebrate every single one together as well" he said continually clinging on me.

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