Chapter 3 :)

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James was then rushed to hospital. When they got there she went straight into surgery to have the bullet removed. Jack waited in the waiting room for her to come out.

About ten minutes later he saw James in a hospital bed getting wheeled into her assigned room. He rushed over and followed them sitting down in a chair in James' room, waiting for her to wake up.

It was around thirty minutes before she actually did wake up. "Jackson?" James said, surprised. "You stayed?" She said confused.

"Yeah, of course I did." Jack replied.

"They have already called your mother and she's going to be here as soon as she can. She's stuck in traffic. Every parent is headed to the high school, or here trying to get to their kid." Jackson explained.

"Thank you for staying. And holding my hand here." James rolled her eyes laughing. "No problem." he giggled.

"Jackson. I really thought I was going to die." James said, starting to tear up. "If I'm being completely honest with you, I kind of thought you would as well. You had lost a lot of blood but look at you. You're amazing and you took that surgery so well." Jackson said, walking over to her.

James looked at him straight in the eyes, holding eye contact for at least ten seconds before he started to look around the room. 

 'Holy shit. I don't like him, there's no way I do. He's been my enemy for as long as I can remember. There's no way I like him.' James thought to herself.

'There is no way that I'm catching feelings for her. I've hated her for so long and all it takes is for her to get shot for me to like her. Theres no fucking way.' Jackson thought to himself.

"Do you want to sit up here? It would probably be more comfy than that chair." James laughed. "Sure." Jack laughed back.

"J." Jackson said.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"I really did think I was going to lose you. And I don't know why that's what it took for me to realise that you actually are a nice person. I've seen the bad panic attacks you get in class and I have always felt bad for you." Jackson explained.

"Don't even worry about it. I'm feeling the same way. You actually aren't a bad person and it shouldn't have taken a school shooting for me to realise that." James replied.

They both looked at each other and held eye contact again. This time Jackson leant in and kissed her. They both stopped for a second to look at each other and smiled. James leant back in and kissed him back. After they stopped they just kept their eyes closed for a couple of seconds before opening them again.

"I don't know why I haven't done that sooner." Jackson giggled. "Honestly me too." James replied, blushing at him.

They were just looking into each other's eyes before James' mother burst open the door and ran over to James. They both got a fright and looked straight at Natalie.

"Mother!" James said looking at Natalie. Jackson hopped off of James' bed so Natalie could give her a hug. She hugged James straight away.

"I'm going to go to the cafe to give you guys some space. Do you guys want anything?" Jackon asked.

"No, we're okay thank you." James replied, smiling at him as he walked off.

"Are you okay? What happened? And who was that?" Natalie asked panicking.

"Mother calm down, I'm okay. I got shot, but I'm okay. And that was Jackson. Well most of the time I just call him Jack for short. That's the guy I hate remember? Well I don't hate him anymore. He saved my life." James explained.

"What do you mean he saved your life?" Natalie asked, holding back tears.

"After I got shot he lifted me up to a safer part of the room we were in and wrapped up my wound to help stop the bleeding as much. The doctors said if he didn't do that I would have died from blood loss." James explained.

"Oh baby, I hate seeing you like this. Also I need to thank that boy." Natalie said with tears rolling down her face, while she left the room to find Jack.

She walked over to the cafe and waited for him outside. "Oh hi Ms Lopez." Jack said with a smile. Natalie immediately hugged him.

"Thank you." She said.

"For what?" Jack asked. "For saving my baby's life." Natalie replied. Jack just looked confused. "What do you mean I saved her life?" he asked.

"Did she not tell you?" "Tell me what?" He asked, confused as ever.

"James was just telling me that if you didn't wrap that fabric around her wound she would have died from blood loss. The doctors told her that. I'm surprised she didn't tell you." Natalie explained.

"Okay well I have to go back to work now as they need me there but again, Thank you. Please tell James that I'll see her soon." Natalie said leaving.

Jack walked back to James' room and placed his coffee down on James' bedside table. He sat down next to her like he was before.

"Your Mother just told me that I saved your life. Why didn't you tell me?" Jack asked, smiling at her. "Because you already thought you were going to lose me so that would have just made you think it even more, and I didn't want that." James explained.

"James, you can tell me whatever the doctors tell you. I know that must have scared you hearing that. Are you okay?" Jack asked James.

"Yeah I'm okay now. It was just a lot to process at the time." James explained.

"From now on you tell me everything the doctors tell you. I don't want you going through that alone." Jack said, grabbing James' hand.

They both looked at each other and blushed. James laid her head on Jack's shoulder and Jack laid his head on her head. They both eventually fell asleep until Jack woke up to the sound of doctors bringing James dinner.

"Would you mind just leaving it on the desk over there? She's sleeping at the moment." Jackson whispered to the doctor.

"Yeah sure." The doctor whispered back, placing the food on the desk. 


I just checked how many reads this has and we have 9 reads! I'm greatful for all of the people who have read it so far and I hope you enjoyed it :)


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