chapter 5 :)

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A couple days had passed and it was time for James to finally go home.

"Alright James. Looks like you're all set. Pack your things, you're allowed to go home." The doctor explained walking in.

"Finally!" James Said smiling at the doctor.

James' doctor left the room and Jack and James were both excited.

"Where's all of your stuff? I'll gather it." Jack asked, standing up.

"In that corner over there." James said, pointing to her stuff.

Jackson walked over to her stuff and put it all in her bag. He got a wheelchair from the doctor to get her to the car without her having to walk.

"Here's her medication. Can you look after it for her?" The doctor said passing it to Jack.

"Yeah, of course."Jack replied, grabbing the medication.

The doctor and Jack both lifted James into her wheelchair.

"Okay James, because of where you got shot you have lost temporary feeling in your right leg. I'm sorry." The doctor explained.

"It's not like I'm going to be walking far anyways." James laughed.

"You're amazing. If I told most patients that they would have cried but you find the humour in it." The doctor smiled at James. "Alright well I'll call you guys a taxi so you can get out of here."

"Thank you doctor." Jack said as the doctor walked off. 

"Hey, are you sure you're okay with having to be in a wheelchair for a while? You know you don't have to be strong about this, you can cry." Jack said crouching down to James' wheelchair.

"Yeah I'm okay." She replied smiling at him.

"Okay, let's get out of here." Jack said, standing back up.

He wheeled her outside and they waited for their taxi. He helped her get in and put her wheelchair in the trunk.

"Alright, you ready to go?" Jack asked, putting on his seatbelt while smiling at James.

"Yep." She whimpered, lifting up her top a little bit to check on her wound. She couldn't see anything because of the bandage around it, but she still wanted to check on it as it was starting to really hurt.

"You okay?" Jack asked, concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, it just hurts a bit." James replied.

"Maybe your seatbelt is putting pressure on it, try lifting the seat belt up a bit so it doesn't touch it." Jack replied.

"Oh okay." James said, holding her seat belt up.

"Do you want me to hold it?" Jack asked.

"It's okay, you have done so much for me you can relax." James said, smiling at him.

"Okay you ready?" Jack asked.

"Yep, I'm ready to get out of this place." James laughed.

Jack told the driver where to go and they were just sitting in the car talking.

"Is your wound hurting as much now?" Jack asked, looking where she got shot.

"It definitely still hurts but it will for ages. It doesn't hurt as much as before though so thank you for the seat belt tip." She smiled. He smiled back.

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