don't underestimate me.

21 1 0

stuart's pov

i feel fucking awful. i knew she'd find out but i hoped i'd get to tell her about paula first. i only shagged her three times but i know it means a lot to her since i told her i loved her and she loves me too. it's been a day since she found out, nobody knows how. russ tried to speak to her, noodle tried, murdoc tried. what did they get? not a single word just groans of annoyance. i knew better than to try because she'd beat me black and blue. she's not moved off the sofa not to eat drink or use the toilet. i went downstairs and saw she was sleeping and i sat next to her and stroked her hair softly and hoped she didn't punch me. she slightly woke up and leaned into my touch for a second before sitting up and slapped me upside the head. "the fuck do you want asshole?" she groans. "i wanna talk okay? let me talk" she nods and sighs. "look i'm sorry. it was only three times and i didn't tell you because i knew you'd kill me, i'll never hide everything from you again i'm really fucking sorry that i hurt you okay? please willow. i love you" she looks at me for a minute and i see her soften up for a second. "call her" "what?" "you heard me. call her right now. tell her you wanna see her" i stiffen up thinking this is a set up. "wha-why?" she laughs for a second before looking at me. "just call her stu. tell her no one's home and the doors unlocked, tell her to go up to your room" i furrow my brows before pulling out my phone and she starts grinning. "i'm not gonna be waiting in my room am i?" i laugh. "you most certainly aren't mate" she laughs maniacally. i pull out my phone and call paula.

"hey stu baby what's up?"
"wanna come over? i'm bored and no one's home"
"yeah i'll be there soon"
"the doors unlocked come straight to my room"
"okay stu baby see you soon"

willows pov.

"right get your arse into murdocs room and tell him to not leave that room until i message you all saying you can leave" i grin at him. "okay... i love you willow" he sadly smiles at me and i softly kiss his cheek. "i love you stuart. but never do that again" he nods and walks up to murdocs room. after grabbing a hatchet and a bat from the garage i stand behind stuart's door after putting putting pillows in the duvet to make it look like he's in the bed. after ten minutes of waiting the door opens. "hey stu baby... why's it so dark in here?" she begins to walk over to the bed so i run up behind her and hit her in the head with a bat and she hits the floor. "stay. the FUCK. away from MY boyfriend you fucking SLAG" i spit in her face before repeatedly punching her until she's about to pass out. "wh-what w-willow?" she cried and i laugh. "stay the fuck away from stuart. i mean it" i grab the hatchet from behind me and slowly dragged it across her face lightly enough to barely cut her. "see paula. you cheated on him with my brother. in his favourite toilet. you are depressingly ugly. enough to put someone off their dinner. they're gonna thank me" i laugh as she whimpers beneath me before quickly stopping. "you won't do it" she laughs but i can see she's scared. "don't underestimate me you piece of shit. i won't hesitate to kill you and have russel taxidermy you" her face goes pale as she starts to scream and cry and struggle beneath me. i grab her throat and choke her until she's about to pass out. "do i kill you now? or fuck you up until your begging me to kill you?" she shakes her head at me and i pull out my phone quickly to message stuart.

willow: you lot go in the garage NOW. and be quiet. all four of you if noodle hears this i'll gut the lot of you.

bluebird: okay. everything okay?

willow: you gonna be mad if i kill her?

bluebird: no but it probably isn't a good idea but you do you love. i'll love you either way.

i laugh and put my phone away and punch paula right in the nose making her scream. i punch her until she's unconscious. i realise i blacked out while punching her and see that she's not even recognisable. i pick her limp body up and put her over my shoulder not even bothering to check if she's breathing and take her down to the garage but before walking into the bands view i shout to noodle telling her to cover her eyes. i walk behind them and tell noodle to run upstairs. "what did you do?" russel asks with concern. i laugh and throw paula's limp body on the empty table infront of me. the three boys gasp in shock. "well in love" murdoc laughs and hugs me. "well. can't be mad at you willow girl" russel giggles but i can tell he's concerned. stuart stands there looking at paula for a minute before he bursts out laughing. he picks me up and smothers me in kisses. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" he shouts as tears of joy roll down his face. "i love you too stu" i grin as he puts me down. "so what do we do?" russel asks. "i mean i could kill her and we could bury her in the graveyard right? we live on one" i suggest and murdoc nods. "you may as well you've done enough damage" russel adds. "say no more then. give me a minute" i smile and grab the drill off the shelf in the corner of the garage. "you guys might not wanna watch" they all look away as i put the drill through the middle of her forehead then through her chest. i quickly wrap her up in old sheets before letting russel and murdoc do the rest. "so stu your not gonna end up hating me for killing someone are you?" i giggle as i grab his hand with my bloody one as i take him upstairs to our bedroom. "i won't. thank you for doing this. i love you" he smiles at me and kisses me before going to sleep. "i love you too".

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