Chapter 8 - Fruit Loops

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3rd Persom

(The next morning)

Will woke up and his eyes quickly adjusted to his surroundings, he had started to get used to his new room.

He yawned and rubbed his eyes, before getting up out of bed.

"Mama?" He whispered, scared of how dark it was.

"M-Mama?" He whispered again, sounding afraid.

A door opened which made Will jump, and he looked over to see his brother.

"Hey, what's up?" Jonathan asked him softly.

"Hungry.." Will frowned and Jonathan nodded.

"Would you like some cereal?" He smiled at Will and Will looked confused.

"What is.. cereal?" He asked Jonathan.

"Here, I'll show you." Jonathan told him, pouring some fruit loops into a bowl and pouring some milk in.

He brought the bowl over to Will and set it down infront of him. Will just stared at in intently, thinking it would do something.

"What will it do?" He looks up at his big brother, not understanding.

"You eat it, Will." Jonathan chuckled and Will went to pick a bit out with his finger until Jonathan stopped him.

"Woah, no. Use the spoon, see." He helped him, and picked up the spoon with some food on it and put it in Wills mouth.

Will closed his mouth and let Jonathan take the spoon out and he ate it, and loved it.

He smiled and nodded and Jonathan grinned. He taught Will how to use the spoon and eventually him and Will were both sat having breakfast together, both eating a bowl of fruit loops together.

Joyce was woken up by faint chattering, thinking Jonathan had Nancy round but she saw Jonathan telling Will a story from school, and Will was sat munching on his food, watching his brother excitedly.

She smiled softly at the scene, and went back into her bedroom to get dresses and let them have a bit more time alone.

She knew that Jonathan took Wills disappearance difficult as he found it hard to make friends, and Will was his first ever friend. They did everything together, before Will was taken away overnight and the police couldn't find any trace of him.

She got dressed, brushed her hair and teeth and went into the kitchen where her two boys had finishes breakfast and were now sat drawing.

Will had a pile of rainboe crayons while Jonathan was sat asking him what he was drawing.

"Good morning!" Joyce smiled at the pair and Will looked up.

"Mama!" He smiled and Jonathan smiled as well.

"Good morning." Jonathan replied sweetly.

"I see you both have had breakfast." She chuckled at the bowls and spoons in the sink.

"Oh yeah, Will loves fruit loops now." Jonathan chuckled aswell.

"Ah, I must buy more then!" Joyce grinned.

"Mama, TV." Will looked at her with his big brown eyes and Joyce couldn't say no.

"Yeah, of course baby. Jonathan, Nancy is going to be round in 20 minutes so why don't you get ready?" Joyce suggested and Jonathan nodded  and went into his room to change.

Joyce brought Will over to the living room and was about to turn on the TV when Will did it himself.

"I keep forgetting you can do that.." She whispers to herself, ans goes into the kitchen to grab a drink when she sees Wills drawing.

It has a rainbow across the entire page and then there are three stick figures, two small and one tall.

The two small ones are labelled '012' and '011' while the taller one is labelled 'Papa'.

Joyce frowned at this, wanting to know who took her boy.

Her thoughts came to an end abruptly when she heard a knock at the door, and she ran to open it.

She opened the door and Nancy was stood there, but next to her was Mike.

"Good morning!" Joyce smiled at them both.

"Good morning, Miss Byers, I'm sorry about bringing Mike round unannounced, it's just both of our parents had to work today and they didn't want him all alone so I had to bring him with me." Nancy apologized while Mike stood there awkwardly.

"It's fine, sweetheart! Both of you come on in." Joyce moved out of the way to let them in and they both thanked her.

"Nancy, Jonathan is in his room. Mike, Will is watching TV." She told them, before running off to do her own thing.

Nancy ran off to Jonathan's room and Mike just walked over to where Will was.

He had his eyes closed and his nose was bleeding, and Mike was wondering what he was doing.

He saw a box of fruit loops fly past his head and land in front of Will. Will grinned and opened them, not even noticing Mike.

He put a couple in his mouth when Mike spoke.

"Hey." Mike smiled softly and Will jumped.

"AHH!" Will yelled, flinging his box of fruit loops halfway across the room.

Mike started laughing and Will looked  angry.

"Dont smile." He frowned, annoyed that his food was gone.

Mike continued to laugh, while trying to supresss his smile, and Will just frowned at him.

"Dont smile!" Will tried to swat the smile off of Mikes face and that made Mike laugh even more.

"Ugh no!" Will got even more annoyed, slumping back into the bottom of the couch (he always sits on the floor) and crossing his arms.

After about 5 minutes of Mike practically wetting himself on the floor and Will trying to smack the smile off of his face, Mike finally stopped laughing.

"Im sorry it was just too funny!!" Mike chuckled which made Will huff.

"Not funny." He frowned and Mike giggled a bit more before fully stopping.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." Mike put his arms in the air and Will rolled his eyes, and got up.

"Hey where are you going?" Mike asked him, thinking Will was genuinely annoyed with him.

"Fruit loops." Will frowned, looking at the now empty box and the cereal all over the floor.

"No!!" Will yelled, trying to pick them up but they now had dirt on them from the floor.

Mike tried his best not to laugh again at the sight of Will yelling at a spilt box of food.

"Will, I can get you a new box." Mike told him and Will only partially understood.

"More loops?" He asked, smiling.

"Yes, more loops." Mike smiled back and Will clapped his hands together with excitement as Mike grabbed him a box from the cupboard.

"Here you go, now don't spill them this time." Mike scoffed and Will narrowed his eyes at him.

"No boo." Will huffed, and walked away leaving Mike confused.

No boo? I don't even know what he's saying at this point. - Mike thought to himself as he sat back down next to Will, and they continued watching the kids show that Will loves.

{Word Count: 1147}

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