Ch. 5 Hanging out with the Anti-Christ

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"Oh fuck- I MEAN UH, heyy Damien how you doin'?.... I wasn't crying. You're crazy." Yeah like he's gonna believe that right after a bit of the evidence is still on YOUR FACE.

He stared at you for a few seconds, questioning if he should deal with you today. Finally, he spoke up with a concerned look on his face. "Good to see ya too, Angelface. Sure you weren't crying? You have stains on your face. Is that kid with the guinea pig stressing you out again?" The ravenette tilted his head at you. He wasn't... precisely wrong. The whole situation you had yourself in was highly exhausting.

Craig was probably dead unless the imp decided to spare him or something but that was unlikely. That thing was bloodthirsty! Well kinda at least. It did apologize for stabbing you but STILL.... what did he stab you for again..? Reasonably your memory was pretty hazy. You lost a lot of blood, fell from the sky, and now have broken wings. All because of some sleepover. You should ask for a vacation or something like that soon. Usually, Craig didn't cause this much trouble for you. Yet he was this time! Great. The only time being an angel was this difficult was when you were younger! But hanging out with Damien helped the annoyances a lot.

During your hangouts, you both messed around A TON. It's time to let loose and not care about your duties! much. You don't wanna get fired now, do you? A few memories passed through your mind as you forgot to answer Damien.

Like that one time you two egged that French kid's house! Christophe was his name from what you could recall. The poor boy was the first one you usually aimed for. Particularly because neither you nor Damien enjoyed his entire personality or just him as a whole. Frenchie bad-mouthed the one above frequently and anything involving her in general.

Is God a woman? I don't know. I'm just the narrator.

DeLorne also slandered angels, heaven, the lord's name, and all of that. Overall that Christophe boy just ruffles your feathers. Y'know cause you have wings!... Ok, the narrator can't make good jokes. Yet his pissed-off screams were enough to satisfy your need for revenge. "Putain! Je vais te botter le cul!! Cette chienne du ciel va payer!"

"Angelface! Get out of your brain for a sec, I'm worried." Damien snapped his fingers in front of your face. His fire-red eyes staring you down.

"Oh yeah right, sorry. Got sidetracked I guess. But fine... I was crying. Everything in the past few hours is just going horribly! It's just so hard to deal with..." Letting out a groan you leaned away from the devilish teen. Feeling the waterworks start up again. Before sucking it up and looking at him apologetically. "Sorry, I don't mean to dump my problems on you."

"Y/n, dude, it's fine. You should like...tell me about this instead of hiding it. Sure I don't know what it's like to take care of teenagers that act like their 8 but I'll at least listen to ya." His words made you feel a little better. Maybe he could help you sort through this entire mess. He was the literal antichrist after all. "Wanna head inside to get a drink?"

...Fuck does he mean inside?? Turning your gaze to look behind him you realized you had crashed by some club. It was very vibrant despite the fact the sun was still up. Wasn't very innocent of you to drink but who cares? You deserve it after all of this. "Sure. No harm, no foul, right? But you'll have to listen to.. a lot." Chuckling lightly you smiled at him. He always seemed to brighten up your mood somehow. "Weird question but like... can I hug you?"

"Ew no. I don't want your dried blood on me. That's disgusting, and you look like you just came back from a homeless shelter."

".... you could've just said no instead of going off. "

"Nah that's boring."

"Damn ok then."

He took your hand and yanked you out of the forest. Dragging you into the glowing and eye-burning building. Seriously you thought you were losing your vision when you took a single glance. Upon entering you were blasted with loud music and... Minecraft songs apparently.

"Damien! You're supposed to be helping in the makeup room! Not leaving to do whatever you want!" One of Damien's co-workers somehow appeared right in front of you. They sounded pretty pissed off at him from what you could tell. Prodding at his chest before noticing your presence. "Who are they, per se?"

Realizing they were asking about you, Damien was about to introduce you to this vamp guy. And from the expression on his face, you could tell it wouldn't be in a very nice way. So instead of letting Damien talk you interrupted him frantically.

"Y/n! My name is Y/n. A pleasure to meet you! Just ignore me I won't be here for long. Sorry to bother you. Have a heavenly day!" Speaking in a haste tone you pulled Damien away hurriedly. Talking to new people is scary honestly-

Wandering around the room for a while you couldn't figure out where the bar area was. The flashing lights making it difficult to see. Bumping into a few partygoers by accident on account of your now bad vision. What was Damien doing? Laughing at your confusion, obviously.

"Angelface, are you lost? The room isn't even that big! You've been walking around in circles for like, 5 minutes."

"I do not get lost! I'm simply uhm... familiarizing myself with this bright ass building."

"Uh huh... You sure about that? Cause your eyes are all dilated n' shit."

"....NOT EVERYONE HAS SUNGLASSES, DAMIEN." Replying in a snide tone you scoffed, before walking into a wall.

"Ok this is getting sad. I'm helping ya now, you don't get a choice." With a chuckle, he hauled you over to the bar area. It was literally by the entrance to the place. How'd ya miss it?!

Sitting you down on an empty stool he strolled behind the bar counter. Doing the classic cleaning of a beer mug as you adjusted yourself to be comfortable in the seat. Since you didn't drink, he grabbed something random off the large shelf. Guessing based on your tastes on what you'd like. Doing tricks and spins with the glasses as he prepared the drink. Almost dropped one of the cups but he caught it, moments before it could hit the floor.

"Here ya go, Mx. Perfect angel." Sliding the drink over to you he waited to see your reaction. Bringing the intoxicating liquid to your lips, feeling the burn go down your throat. It wasn't that bad actually. A small smile on your face as you finally got something to drink. The last thing that you had was water, and it barely quenched your thirst. "By the way you forgot to hide your wings."

Your eyes widened as Damien spilled the new information. Spitting the drink out in shock, letting the glass fall to the ground by accident.



(Hello I am back from the dead! Sorry about the wait, motivation was not with me. But here it is finally!!!!!!!!! Thanks for being so patient! And yes I did draw this :> Off point but I might start using he/him pronouns for Y/n? Possibly He/they? Idk-)

 But here it is finally!!!!!!!!! Thanks for being so patient! And yes I did draw this :> Off point but I might start using he/him pronouns for Y/n? Possibly He/they? Idk-)

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