PART 1. new mission

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(I really hope you enjoy, and I'm so sorry if its bad)

Ghost POV:

"Ughh.." ·He groaned as könig explained the new mission.·

-thinking- "Augh! Hurry it up already, I have things to do! this shit is so useless I fucking swear.." -end of thinking-

·He'd roll his eyes at könig, then look over at soap. He'd stand there glaring at soap for a couple of minutes, thinking.·

Soaps POV:

"Mhm.." ·He'd agree to what könig is saying before looking over at ghost, seeing him just standing there glaring into his eyes·

"aye.. Ghost, you good mate?" ·no answer· "okay then.." ·he'd look back at könig before they we're all sent off to their rooms·

No ones POV:


veryone had a roommate, ghost was with soap. König was with price. Gaz with Martin, etc.

Location: soap & ghosts room

Ghost: "fucking hell ·muttering· stupid bull shit" ·he'd sit down on his bed and start to sharpen his knives· "where the he'll is soa-" ·He'd get interrupted by soap running into the room·

Soap: "shhh-" ·he'd over his mouth with his finger, signaling someone was after him· "I stole from Martin, I stole 40 bucks and ran, now he's looking for me." ·he'd whisper to ghost· "fucking stupid" ghost would say, before standing up and locking the door. "There, he won't come in." ghost said annoyed. "Big meanie" I'd say to him, smiling. Ghost would glare at me then pick up his phone as he Received a message from price·


Price: "hey, you wanna come to the bar with us"
Ghost: "Depends, who's gonna be there."
Price: "Me, gaz,könig, Martin, and one of the new recruits from last week"
Ghost: "Alright, I'll come to the bar. Which bar you at?"
Price: "I'll send you the location in a minute, and bring soap. I don't care if he doesn't want to come along with. drag him here, lol."
Ghost: "Don't tell me what to do price, I was going to drag him there anyways."
Price: "Aye right, sorry mate"
Ghost: ·leaves him on open·

-Time skip, Ghost and soap would arrive at the bar and see everyone else there-

((I'm trying to take my time and think about how all this will go lol, 376 words!!)

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