PART 2. The bar

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Once soap and ghost walked into the bar, they seen price and the others. "Heyia Gaz!" said soap. Soap ran over to gaz and they Immediately started chugging down alcohol, seeing who can drink the most before 2am hit.

"god damn it soap" ·Ghost muttered to himself, before walking over to the bartender· "vodka" ghost told the bartender. "Comin right up sir" the bartender then poured him a glass, and handed it to him. "There yah go sir" said the bartender. "Yeah, thanks" ghost said before drinking his glass of vodka.

                           —TIME SKIP—
         -its 3:23am and everyone was heading back-

LOCATION: soap & ghosts room

No ones POV:

Ghost walked into the bedroom carrying soap. Soap wouldn't let of of ghost, he kept randomly bitting him and being a flirt. Ofc ghost liked it but he didn't want to fold just yet for him, and thankfully he still had his mask on so soap couldn't see him blushing and smiling.

Soap: "Ghost.. You have such -hic- pretty eyes-"

Ghost: "..., I'm glad you think that" ·i'd blush heavily·

Soap: "ghost"

Ghost: "yes Johnny..?"

Soap: "-hic- why do you always have you're mask on -hic-"

Ghost: "...., well I have scars, and I don't want people touching them, t-they are sensitive-" ·he'd answer ·

Soap: "Oh..?~"

—Soap claimed into ghosts lap and slowly removed ghost mask showing his big scars and handsome face

"i- i-..." soap was speechless because of ghosts beauty, he had nothing to say. "I'm sorry if-" soap would cut him off by kissing him deeply, ghost was shocked but went with it, and started to make out with him, slowly removing each others clothing·


"Nghh~" ghost whimpered as soap started to tease him by bitting his neck and nipples. "You're such a bottom Ghost..~" soap said teasingly. "S-Shut up" ghost said embarrassed. "Ghost.. Get on you're knees for me~" soap said commanding-ly. "Yes s-sir" ghost said while getting down In front of him. "Open~" soap said smiling brightly. "Aughh" ghost opened his mouth and soap shoved his sock down ghoats throat. "Mmghh!~" Ghost moaned as he got throat fucked by soap. "you're such a good boy, ghost..~". Ghost nods his head before taking in more of his cock.

~The next morning~


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