Dont lie soap 🍷

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-The next morning-

"Augh.. What fuckin happened last night, my head is throbbing.."
He'd look over and see soap naked on his bed and froze before looking underneath the covers to see that he was also naked.
"Oh my-.. SOAPPP!!-". Soap woke up terrified. " AHH WHAT-"
Soap yelled, having no idea what's happening. "Soap.. Did we have sex last night, or are we just naked for fun?." ghost glared at soap, waiting for an answer. "Uhm.. I don't remember?" Soap lied to ghost. "Soap.", ghost said while grabbing a blade out of his dresser. " yes ghost" soap said nervously. "I'm going to kill you if you don't answer honestly." Ghost glared at soap with a death look in his eyes. "Okay.." soap said. "Was I top, or bottom.." Ghost asked while putting the blade on soaps neck. "Answer truthfully soap..'
"I- yes you were top-" soap lied, as he didn't wanna die. "Good."
Ghost removed the blade from soaps neck.

TIME SKIP- they are on the mission.

((I'm busy with school, so it will take me a while to finish this fanfic story, please don't be mad))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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