Chapter: 3 - Wilson's background

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-So Wilson, why don't you say something about yourself?

-Uh.. Okay - mumbled - So, I used to be a scientist, it was before I met William.

-Hmm, how do you guys met then ?

-It all started a few years ago, after William's disappearance. - Wilsons starts the story and Jack listens carefully - I was in my house, doing some experiments, sadly none of them worked. I was furious that my ideas didn't work, I sat on the sofa thinking about what I'm doing wrong. As I was thinking, suddenly I've heard a voice from the radio, which was standing on the table next to me. The voice in the radio was William's voice, it said "Say pal, looks like you're having some trouble! I have secret knowledge I can share with You, if you think You are ready for it..." Then I noded and the radio said "Okay then !". Suddenly I felt the knowledge run into my head, so I begun working on some weird machine which was looking like some kind of portal, when I finished the radio begun to talk "Excellent ! now throw the switch" I've reached for the switch but I've stopped, then radio screamed "DO IT!",  so I did it, I pulled the switch and machine begun to work. Suddenly shadow hands came out of the floor and threw me into the portal I've created. The moment I woke up I was in some weird looking world with some scary creatures in it, that's when I saw him, it was William... or in the world I was in Maxwell, he have welcomed me with words "Say Pal, you don't look so good. You'd better find something to eat before night comes!" So I begun exploring this  mysterious world, after some time I found portal which looked like the one I've created with Maxy's help so I go thru it, after a couple of times going thru weird looking portals I got into the world where I found The Shadow King sitting on the shadow throne, The Shadow King was William aka Maxwell. Next to the throne was a weird place, I've put my divining rod in it, after I did that Maxwell was free from the throne, when suddenly he have turned into ashes, shadow hands caught me and put me on the shadow throne.

- And how did you escape the throne ? - asks fascinated by Wilson's story Jack.


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