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Y/N felt more comfortable in the wild, that much Hange was sure of. He still wore his cloak and mask, something not many did. He was wary and kept his arms close, remaining ready for the worst.
The Section Commander wanted to ask just what went through his head, but he hadn't said a word.
Old and almost black blood caked his clothes, which was enough to cause alarm. However, as she walked him to the infirmary, her eyes watching his slow and steady approach, he stopped.
"Erwin." He whispered. Hange took a step closer, nearly standing shoulder to shoulder with her fellow Scout. "Erwin." He repeated. "Where is he?"
"Upstairs." Hange realized the gravity of his situation and matched his voice. "Why? What happened?"
"I need to see him." He replied. Before she could ask him again, he opened his cloak enough for her to see the two hand cannons strapped to his chest. She was both intrigued and confused.
"The Garrison have been on my ass the moment I crossed the wall." He said. "I can only trust you guys..."
"Okay." She nodded and took a subtle glance at both ends of the hallway. "Come on."
The local Garrison Headquarters was larger than the one in Shiganshina, and that was saying something. The walls were thick and dark, yet voices were carried from both ways and with it were footsteps.
Y/N felt like his heart was going to explode. With the addition of so many voices, he felt his anxiety was going to kill him. Each step felt heavy, it worried him, making him think he was louder than he should be. The longer it went on the more it felt like he couldn't breathe or think. His chest hurt and in the back of his head was an intense throb that felt like it was a burning, swollen mass.
"Here." Hange opened a door and ushered him inside. Y/N was so lost in thought he didn't realize how heavy of a haze he was in.
He immediately sighed as he saw the sun's light beaming in through a window. The fresh, cold air coming in helped put him at ease.
A gentle hand on his shoulder made him flinch, scaring him but also bringing him back to the situation at hand.
Hange had attempted to help get his pack off, instead, she raised her hands and gave him some distance, much to his silent appreciation.
"Y/N." Erwin uttered his name with concern and a certain grit that was unable to gain his attention. "Y/N?"
The Scout stared at the tip of Mike's boots. The shadow underneath his hood hid his somber expression long enough for him to gather his thoughts.
With a hand on his pack, he lifted the heavy bag and set it down, causing all sorts of sounds to come from within. And to such distinguished soldiers, they recognized the metal clanking and gear shifting.
"I ran into bandits a few days ago." Y/N said in a hush. "They were looting the dead."
Erwin's expression was unwavering in the light of this news. Mike was intrigued like Hange. And Levi, who wasn't one to show much emotion, showed a hint of anger.
"I took what I could." Y/N pulled his pack upright and rested it against the wall. "Figured it would be better here."
"Here." Hange pulled a chair close letting him sit. "And they attacked you." She then stated.
"Yeah." With a hand on his hood, he pulled it down, revealing more of the blood from earlier. "Tried killing me."
Hange wanted to ask what happened to them, but her eyes were drawn to the shovel on his hip and the dark liquid staining its head.
"I couldn't grab their horses, walked back instead." With a heavy sigh, he pulled his mask down, giving him a good taste of the winter air.
"So, was it worth it?" Levi asked. He was both snarky and pissed. Not that Y/N could blame him.
  Reaching up, Y/N undid his cloak and set it aside. The experimental rig was an immediate cause for concern and curiosity. And in Hange's case, it was more the latter.
"Is that...?" She paused. Anyone in their field could recognize the craftsmanship of their omni-directional gear.
"Those traffickers outside of Maria had it with them."
"They were using it?" Mike asked. He stood from his chair and took one of the guns as Y/N set it down.
"No, it was in pieces." He then undid the straps to both his harnesses, making breathing a little easier. "I had to put it back together."
"You're familiar with this rig??" Hange asked, still being sure to lower her voice.
"A year or so back we came up with the idea to construct them in secret."
"We? As in the Engineers?" Erwin asked.
"Yeah. It was a weapon to use against the MPs."
"You were planning a coup?" Mike asked with a strong frown. He couldn't believe it and he was the one to ask.
"We were going to help whoever did." Y/N reiterated. "Now it looks like the MPs got their hands on it first. They're a direct improvement from your current gear. A bigger tank, an upgraded exhaust, and reinforced joints push your speed beyond the current gen's. But this one is flawed."
"Right..." Hange hummed. "That explains the repositioned anchors?"
"Mm." Y/N grunted in affirmation. "You can't push yourself as much as we originally planned. And your mobility is essentially cut in half. You can't look forward and shoot back or vice versa. You'd not only slow yourself down but leave yourself open for an attack. Whoever designed it made sure your equipment was its direct counter, not the other way around. That's not to mention the gun they put together."
The gun wasn't anything to scoff at, but if it were anything like the original version then it would truly be a force to be reckoned with.
"Can you make improvements?" Erwin asked. He was just as curious about his answer as everyone there.
"Given time and enough resources." Y/N gave a heavy and tired sigh. "We could make enough changes to throw off the MPs, make them think it's an original design Hange..."
His voice trailed off with a shake of his head. No matter how he put it, whoever was left to tinker with the rig and do as they saw fit, would eventually be as much of a target as the Engineers. Erwin caught on quickly with this realization.
"I could make changes." Y/N finally said. His elbows touched his knees as he rested his back and expressed his great reluctance to head such a project. "I remember enough of the plans. And with what I have here I can reverse engineer some things and implement them somewhere else."
"You would be a target." Erwin said as if to remind him. "They'll try to kill you."
"I know." His eyes carried deep thought and emotion, neither of which his fellow Scouts could identify. "But I don't see any other option here."
His reluctance to work with them was apparent. He would sooner hand it off and never see it again than help them, but something pushed him forward, something weighing heavily on his mind has kept him from turning back. Whatever that reason may be, it discouraged him more than the idea of a slow and painful death.
"Your head..." Y/N felt Hange's fingers graze his hair, pushing away the (Hair Color) strands to reveal the deep cut underneath. "Have you kept this clean?"
"The best I could." He replied, retreating from her touch. "I wanted to sew it shut, but..."
His voice sounded as tired as he looked as he merely gestured to the general direction of the wall. It was understandable given the distance he walked.
"You should get to the infirmary." Erwin advised. "Leave your equipment here, we'll see that it's taken care of."
"Don't show anyone outside of the Survey Corp." Y/N added with a grave tone. "If someone catches word of this... The King just might consider us all traitors."
"Of course." Erwin nodded. He didn't doubt it one bit. Y/N was at least thankful he had first-hand experience of what the King would do to people like them.
"Here." Hange tugged on one of the many straps tightened over his torso. "Let's get this off."
Y/N wasn't against getting help, not when he felt like he would crumble under his own weight or would cramp from simply stretching. After a few minutes, they removed the last of his equipment and set it aside for the others to look after.
When they neared the door, Y/N paused. With a deep breath, he collected himself and walked over to Mike with what little respect he thought was appropriate and deserved.
Mike gave him a long, analyzing look. He tried to decipher what it was that made Y/N the person he was and break down what brought him to his side. However, he didn't expect what he saw next.
"Lina Müller and Felix Müller." He uttered their names above a whisper and with a tone like he was addressing them here in this very room.
Reaching into his breast pocket, he produced a folded paper and two patches, the former being stained with Lina's bloodied fingers.
Holding them out to Mike he waited until the squad leader took them with a ginger tough and softened eyes. When they lay fully within his palm, Y/N said. "I found them in the village closest to Shiganshina. Lina bled out. Felix froze to death. She addressed the letter to you."
"I..." Mike hummed as his gaze was drawn to the maroon color spread over the yellowed parchment. He couldn't say much more. "Thank you."

Attack on Titan: Survival and Dedication - Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now