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"That's a shame." It wasn't and Y/N's tone made it clear.
  "Lippy little shit." Horatio laughed. Whether it was at Y/N's attitude or audacity wasn't clear. "So what's got you two all the way out here? You're not alone, I can guess that much."
  "You first." Y/N nodded to their awaiting train. "Hauling a half-empty wagon and a sled this far from the wall?"
  "You know me." Horatio sighed. "You both do."
  "And that's what worries me." Y/N swallowed his swelling emotions, hiding his thrumming heart behind a cool demeanor.
  "Alright." Horatio looked ahead then to the men on his flanks. They gave subtle nods and he gave one in return. "I won't beat around the bush here, boys. We're breaking the law. And we all know people caught outside without permission are as good as dead..."
  "If we were MPs, sure." In the corner of his eyes, Y/N saw that Levi looked as bored as he always did. But it didn't hide the fact that he lowered his reigns and relaxed his shoulders, readying himself to pounce.
  "We?" Horatio hummed. "So I take you're with... them."
  "Really following in your mother's footsteps, huh?" Horatio finally cracked his first genuine smile. "How is that crazy bitch anyway?"
  "She's dead." Y/N stated sternly.
  "Really?" His smile immediately died as he offered an affirming nod. "My condolences."
  "That's alright." Even Levi could tell it was a touchy subject, something his fellow Scout desperately avoided.
  "You know what?" Horatio put on a winning smile. "Are you looking for work?"
  "Depends." Y/N frowned in thought. "How much does it pay?"
  "Depends." He chuckled. "A month's worth of rations? Some coin?"
  "Hm." Levi remained still, ready. Y/N was up to something so he let him be. "What's the job?"
  "A delivery." Horatio pointed at their six with his hand arcing over the distant wall. "I've got a wagon maybe... two hundred or so kilometers that way. It's what we were just so happening to pick up."
  "Sounds a little too cumbersome to me." Y/N sighed, feigning regret. "What's inside? Anything fragile?"
  "Not particularly." Horatio skirted around the specifics with a hum. "Just some supplies. Stuff that's a little hard to get inside the walls. If you catch my drift."
  "I see." Y/N turned back then forward to shake his head. "Sorry. Wish I could but that's a week's ride and I've already got a few deliveries lined up for Commander Smith."
  "That's a shame." Horatio sucked air through his teeth in a wince. "Alright then. And about—this particular situation?"
  "Listen." Y/N sighed, masking the much-needed breath behind a tired huff. "The MPs can come all the way this way if they want you. But today the Scouts didn't see anything else other than your tracks."
  "Mmm." Horatio's lips pursed to the side in thought. "Why? What's in it for you?"
  "Just a courtesy."
  "Really??" The man's eyes narrowed in suspicion.
  "If you don't believe me you'll still have a few hours to lose them. Just follow our tracks and you'll be home free. No Titans."
  "Huh." His lips curled into a tight-lipped smile. "I appreciate that."
  "You know what?" He raised a finger and shook it. He grinned, showing his yellowed teeth twinkling with joy. "Next time you're in the Underground make sure to come see me. We'll be square, then."
  "I'll be sure to do that." Y/N nodded.
  "Well alright then." He clapped his hands together with a burst of steam coming from his mouth. "I'll be seeing you. And thanks again."
  "Good luck." For now, Y/N's tensed muscles began to relax, soothing his aching joints and taught muscles.
  The train began to move along its intended path. The approaching sound came with the distinct squeak of metal and chirping wood when their own supply wagon emerged from the ridge.
  With both forces practically brushing shoulders they continued along until voices finally broke the tense silence.
  "You've got a bit of a silver tongue there." Oluo complimented Y/N.
  "Right. More like a good luck charm." Y/N stared blankly ahead, finding his mind too clouded to sway through the nervousness plaguing him or his heart pounding in his chest.
  "Are you okay?" Petra asked. She showed a different kind of concern. It was more like she demanded an answer, good or bad.
  "No." Y/N found himself being honest. "I'll hang back for a few. I want to see them go."
  "Go ahead. The sooner we move the less the chance of that happening." Erwin added. "Alright everyone, move out!"
  There was little room for argument. Everyone agreed but only one could stay and ease their worries.
  "He called you Brennan." Levi murmured. He narrowed his eyes at the distant band while Y/N looked them over with his spyglass.
  "My mom's maiden name." Y/N reiterated. "Not my actual mom, but... still."
  "Mm." For once Levi was far more understanding. If he was finally warming up to his presence then Y/N couldn't tell. However, Y/N felt he understood more than others.
  For a moment longer they watched the rogue group lumber along. When they were out of sight Levi moved along, giving Y/N a long moment to himself where he was lost in thought while his focused gaze turned distant.

Attack on Titan: Survival and Dedication - Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now