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Not objecting to a boost in funds, Y/N gathered his belongings and made his way inside.
"Uh, hey." A small but kind voice greeted him when heading upstairs.
Turning back, Y/N's eyes crossed with another's before his attention ultimately swapped to the wooden railing in his hand. He didn't mean for it to seem rude but the lady fixing him with a smile made him almost uncomfortable.
No one smiles like that in a place like this. He thought.
"You're Y/N, right?" His fellow Scout asked.
The woman in question was rather short, standing nearly a whole head shorter than him. But the only notable feature he caught, or could identify in his blurry peripherals, was her short, blond hair.
"Yeah." Y/N said.
"Come on." She walked upstairs, brushing past him. "I'll show you to your room."
  A room. Thank god. Y/N followed the Scout down a long hall of rooms until they neared the end. He was at least thankful he had windows.
"Here you are." The Scout hummed, pushing open a door.
The room was just that, a room. It wasn't a broom closet or an old study so Y/N gave a small hum in approval.
"Er, I don't mean to be rude but... you smell kinda—"
Right, Y/N needed to bathe and get his clothes washed. After so many deliveries and scouting missions he had grown used to the animal urine he lathered over his olive wear.
"Thanks." Y/N muttered before stepping in and pushing the door shut. However, before he could lock the metal hinge, the friendly Scout gave the door a small push.
"I'm Petra, by the way." The chipper woman added.
For a moment he acknowledged her words, their eyes crossing long enough to just barely make out the reflection in her brown irises and his tired (Eye Color) ones.
Just as her mouth opened, likely to share or - god forbid - ask a whole book of questions, he murmured, "Thanks again." and shut his door.
He was still, his gaze almost empty as he quickly noticed the lack of sound on the other end of the old but finely-carved door.
"If you need anything don't be afraid to ask." She raised her voice, hoping her message would be conveyed through the door.
Y/N gave a deep sigh as her boots thumped away, leaving him in the room lit by a beautiful golden hour. Or what little of it that could pierce the forest.
Bathing and washing his clothes was the first thing on his list so he got right to it. It took some time to find a tub, bucket, or even the place they kept them, but he managed on his own.
Now with his (Hair Length), (Hair Color) hair damp and his scalp chilled by a cold breeze, he made his way back inside. As for his clothes, he left them on a nearby clothesline far away from the other articles.
The Commander. That was... Smith? Again, Y/N had a hard time keeping track of names.
  Nevertheless, he made his way upstairs, passing some lounging soldiers along the way.
  Y/N wasn't too well-versed when it came to anything military but he was knowledgeable enough to knock before entering the room ahead.
  "Come in." Came a stern and authoritative voice.
  Twisting the doorknob, Y/N gave the door a push, making the metal hinges squeak. The sound alone was enough to earn Levi's ire. It looked like someone was getting chewed out for not oiling it.
  The room he found himself in was rather large, housing a long table, a wide desk, and many chairs seated to it. It was a meeting room, a place with only four individuals inside including Y/N. The other three were as followed.
  Erwin, the Commander of the Scouting Legion. The tip top of the totem pole. At least, outside the walls he was. But he was for all intents and purposes, Y/N's boss. Or more like an employer.
  At his side, with his arms crossed, was the Captain. Seeing him made the situation all the more dire.
  And last but not least, Hange. The bubbly researcher was quick to fix Y/N with a smile and wave, something he quickly brushed off after a short gaze.
  Erwin had the windows behind him opened just a smidge, allowing the sounds of the late evening to carry in. It was the bustling activity the other soldiers partook in such as a friendly gathering and much-needed dinner. However, in the distance, beyond the thick forest, was the faint rumbling of thunder. The rain from earlier today had followed him back.
  "Y/N," Erwin uttered his name with a solid tone as a greeting. He didn't expect a salute or something just as cordial or free so he got right into business. "It says here the village west from here has fallen."
  The Commander didn't doubt what Y/N had seen and recorded in his journal, he simply needed to confirm the source. And he did so with a grim light in his eyes and a solemn but quiet sigh.
  "It was an Abnormal." Y/N replied, his voice gruff and mildly scratchy from the lack of talking. "A fast one. It tracked me for a couple of kilometers before I managed to lose it."
  That seemed to gain everyone's surprise and curiosity, but that applied to mostly Hange who looked over his notes and rough drawing of said Abnormal.
The Titan was just like any other, a towering horror on two legs. However, the most distinguishable feature of this Abnormal was its head or lack thereof. It was common for Titans to have misshapen forms or disproportionate bodies, but this was the first time Y/N saw one with such a strange deformity to its head.
Whatever it was, the Titan's head grew slimmer up top and sported very short almost withering hair.
Other than that it had low, droopy eyes, almost like it was perpetually sad. Which was sort of ironic considering its disturbingly wide grin and tiny teeth.
  "Where?" Erwin asked with determination in his voice.
  "The valley parallel with the village. I last saw it run East."
  "You're sure."
  "I see..." Erwin rubbed his chin, rustling a blonde stubble he had going with his calloused fingers. The metaphorical cogs were turning in his head and Y/N was braced for whatever suicide plan he was known to make.
  "I'm told that you know these lands better than anyone," The Commander stated, leaving Y/N at the edge of his nonexistent seat. "But Titans aren't exactly your—expertise."
"No." Y/N stated bluntly.
"Then I want you to keep an open mind." Erwin sighed, seemingly reluctant to ask. "The Titan you encountered is the very same one that's been wreaking havoc in these parts. Just last week we lost one of our supply wagons because of it."
Y/N was hoping he was wrong but the more Erwin spoke the more this plan seemed like a suicide mission. He seriously hoped the Commander reconsidered considering he never even trained with ODM gear.
"Now, I know what you're capable of." The Commander added with a soothing gesture of his hand, seemingly noticing the piercing gaze in Y/N's eyes. "You specialize in reconnaissance—"
Reconnaissance. That was a far cry from what Y/N actually was. He was the one to deliver important documents, items, or just something menial for the right price. He also dabbled in cartography, filling in the blanks of maps or noting the movement and headcount of Titans in the area. But luring one into a trap, an Abnormal at that, made Y/N consider asking for a bullet to the head. But then again, desertion was always on the table.
"You've delivered and retrieved packages throughout the land, some deliveries even considered impossible. Now, I know what I'm asking is a lot, but frankly, I have no one else to turn to."
The Abnormal was illusive, a monster that seems to have adopted a gorilla tactic of sorts, hitting areas and then running for the hills. Sending Levi, supposedly the strongest humanity has to offer, would be just as effective but ultimately pull resources away from areas where he's needed most. Y/N was just the man they needed.
"Just think of it like this." Hange grinned. "We'll put up a good price for that Titan. And I want you, Y/N, to deliver that Titan to me."
"You're saying you want this thing alive?" Y/N asked incredulously. Metaphorically, if he did accept the job then it didn't matter if they wanted it alive. He'd be paid at the end of the day. But for now, his curiosity took over.
"We're willing to negotiate a price." Erwin stated before digging into one of the drawers to his desk and setting down a slim but hefty ingot of gold.
They knew just how Y/N operated. He didn't do these deliveries out of the goodness of his heart or for the sake of others. You paid the man and he got the job done, cementing his allegiance with gold, overshadowing humanity as a whole.
Hange took the little ingot and walked it over to set in Y/N's hand. The weight alone quelled his worries.
So just about the amount they would pay a whole squad. Y/N thought.
Feeling Hange's hand linger over his for longer than he liked, Y/N pulled it away and pocketed the gold.
  Without a hitch in his step, Y/N approached to get a better look at his map.
  "The plains are a death trap." Y/N said, making Erwin cock a brow.
  "How so?" He asked, seemingly wanting to hear more.
  "Titans infest those plains. I'd be bringing along more than just one Abnormal."
  "...What would you recommend?" He asked after a moment of thought.
  "Just outside here." Y/N pointed to the nearest window. "It's far enough to mask your presence and thick enough for cover."
  Erwin had a look of deep thought on his face. He considered leaving in the late evening, that way they could cut the chance of being detected down to almost zero. But then again, the capture of a Titan was sure to turn some heads.
"Levi." Erwin looked to the Captain in the corner of his eyes. He expected input but was met with a more neutral gaze, the closest thing to his agreeance.
"Hange." He said next.
"Hmm?" The researcher perked up as she was lost in Y/N's sketch of the beast. "Oh. Yes, it works out in both our favor."
"Then it's settled." The Commander shut the journal and handed it back. "Tomorrow night. That's when you'll move. Now, get some rest. I think you've earned it."
Y/N took a quick glance at the Commander, giving just enough of a hint of affirmation to please him.
With the old, wrinkled leather in his hands, the Scout paused. He never really kept anything he recorded, so without much of a second thought, he opened it and ripped the pages out.
With the yellowed parchment in hand, he held it out to Hange, earning something between a squeal and a gasp.
"You're too good to me!" She exclaimed as she clutched to the few pages with a grin.
"Yea'." Y/N almost mumbled his reply before leaving.

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