Chapter 15

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Jae's POV

"I can't believe I spent all day long with you." Nyan said when we were in the car. He insisted on taking me home after we had dinner. He was afraid I would suffer another sasaeng attack.

"Me neither." He turned out to be one of the few people I was comfortable enough to talk to. We kept talking about so many topics that it was impossible to figure out where one started and the other ended. We were so different, but so similar at the same time. Hours passed without us noticing, when we saw it, the sun had already set and the stars were already shining in the deep blue.

"How is your arm?"

"It's ok." I answered by brushing my hand over the place where I had been injured. "It's not hurting anymore."

"Good. You need a bodyguard, you know?"

"Nah, don't overreact. It doesn't happen so often."

"It's just that, if it is not you being a menace to yourself, there are crazy people trying to rip a piece out of you."

"I know... But yet, I can't hire a bodyguard, that's ridiculous!"

"I volunteer!" He said in an awfully impression of Katniss in The Hunger Games. "I volunteer as tribute!"

I couldn't hold back my laughter and instantly hit my head on the headrest of the seat.

"Oh gosh, you see?!" Nyan laughed as loud as me this time.

We listened to Exy's CD along the way. I was impressed that Nyan already knew how to sing the chorus of some songs, he actually listened to the CD! Does he really like it or is he just doing it for work? He now works with idols, it's normal to try to listen to the songs and stay on top of the work, right?

I didn't exactly know why, but I was happy to see him happily singing those songs. Even though he got the lyrics wrong, which made me laugh a lot, he seemed to be really enjoying himself. Seeing him like this made my heart warm.

Nyan parked the car close to my apartment building.  I wondered if Berta was home... I wanted to tell her everything that happened. But at the same time, I didn't want that day to end. I didn't want to get out of the car. I didn't want to distance myself from Nyan. And maybe I was hallucinating, but I think he felt the same way, because he was there, resting his head against the seat, staring at me with that longing gaze.  I also rested my head against my own seat, eyes locked with his. Oh gosh, he's so beautiful!

"Do you really have to go?" He asked and I wanted to scream. My lips raised into a smile. Of course I did have to go, but I didn't want to!

"I have..." I answered, forcing myself to accept my fate. "I have work tomorrow morning, and I think you will too."

He sighed and then got closer, cupping my cheek with his hand. "Right... We'll have time." His face got closer and closer, I held my breath in anticipation. His lips pressed mine in a gentle peck. My heart leaped and I felt my face burn. "Good night!"

"Good night!" I answered. We spent a few more seconds just looking into each other's eyes before he moved back to his driving position and I was able to leave.

The apartment was silent and dark when I arrived, if Berta was home, she would probably be asleep. I tried my best not to make any noise just in case. I headed to my room on slow motion tiptoes. I was almost reaching the doorknob when I heard something that scared me to the bones.


I closed my eyes to the sound of my best friend's angry voice. Stopping instantly every muscle from moving forward. I slowly turned around to face Berta, she was huffing and puffing in her blue polka dot pajamas, arms crossed in front of her. I tried so hard to go unnoticed that I didn't even see when she opened her bedroom door.

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