new student

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Nobody's pov:

A boy was asleep..yet he wasn't having a dream it was more of a vision..the boy twisted and turned in his sleep as he saw memory's of his past life flashing before his eyes watching himself die and not being able to do anything about it He was woken up by the sound of his alarm he was crying as he heard his mom call him from downstairs "ALEX ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL" he got up from his bed and started to get dressed his clothes were all ready set out so he got dressed quickly once he was finished getting his clothes on he grabbed his red and black tail and ran out of his room and down stairs

Alex pov:
"Mom I'm ready" I said as I grabbed some of the toast my mom had set out for me"oh ok! Well the bus is on its way" I frowned at that because if the bus wasn't already here I would have to stand next to those horrible kids"mommm can you just drive me today?" She shook her head no at me "you know I have a interview today I can't be late for go on" she said shooing me out the door
I rolled my eyes and left out the door walking to the bus stop when I arrived I was already getting laughed at some were whispering mean things about me like "furry" or my favorite "cringe" I tried to act like I didn't here them the bus had arrived and all the kids got on one by one on the bus the kids were still laughing at me and whispering but one of the kids stood up and barked at me I turned my head towards the boy who had barked at me and all the kids started laughing
are bus had finally made it to the school I immediately stood up to leave
When all of the sudden I feel a tug on my tail I turned around quickly to see the same guy who had recently barked at me laughing like he had just done the funniest thing ever "what's so funny asshole?" I asked him he rolled his eyes and said "can you just go? Your holding up the line" I quickly walked out of the bus and walked inside the school once I had made it to my class their was more whisperers about me some people even hit me with crumbled up papers
The teacher yelled "ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH" all of the students turned to look at the teacher "Ok..we will be having a new student today please treat him with kindness" the teacher was frowning like he knew they weren't going to treat him with kindness "you may come in" he said slightly yelling i stared in shock as i watched the boy come in..he was wearing a tail "look a new furry friend for you" the boy behind me said i was to shocked to answer there was a empty seat next to me "alright Ethan there is a empty seat next to Alex over their..Alex please raise your hand"I slowly raised my hand and the boy walked over to the seat as he sat down he looked at the tail I had on with wide eyes and then back at me
"Hello" he whispered "hi.."I said back even quieter I wasn't usually this shy but could you blame me? I never seen someone else wearing a tail.. I could hear the sound of laughter from all.. the other students but i was to busy looking at the boy next to me to care
He had red dyed hair the color was fading but you could still see it's redness he had dark brown eyes and his skin was pale he looked beautiful and I don't mean that in a weird way..I didn't realize I was staring until he turned his head and said "what?" I snapped out of it "oh..sorry" he laughed at my response
It was weird people had laughed at me before but never because I was actually funny..? That class was over and it was lunch most of the time I eat my lunch outside since I'd rather not get food thrown at me I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see the new student "hey..can I sit with you at lunch" I was in disbelief he wanted to sit at lunch with me? Maybe we could actually be friends.."sure..I sit outside is that okay..?" He nodded his head yes we headed outside since we both had packed lunch we talked all the way until we arrived outside "hey.." I turned my head towards him "yea?"
"I know this is a weird question but..are you a therian maybe..?" My heart was beating a bit to fast I don't know why but I shook my head yes "yea.." he looked surprised and smiled
"Cool" I smiled back at him and said "what is your theriotype?..or types"
He happily replied back "fennec fox!"
The tail he had on looked like a fennec fox tail "what about you?" He said smiling "red panda" he was smiling so much we continued walking and sat under a tree "so..are the kids nice here?" I shook my head no "they are horrible here.." he frowned "i was hoping kids would be a little nicer here but.. guess not" but after saying that he smiled "but at least there is another therian" i smiled at what he said "yea..two is better then one..I think lunch is over" "oh ok let's head in then" he stood up and dusted of his pants and tail i stood up and did the same

Nobody's pov

It was the end of the school day and Ethan and Alex were chatting with with each other "oh! And could I get your number? So we could talk after school" he said smiling

"Oh..sure" I reached in my pocket to pull out my phone and we exchanged numbers
Ethan's pov

"Mom I'm home!" I yelled I saw my mom walking down the stairs and when she got to the bottom she said "no way you wore that to school"
I frowned at what she said "so?"
"So..your not a animal I want you to stop wearing shit like that to school calling yourself a therin or whatever its called" "first its called a therian..and I don't think i am a animal i just.. identify as one.."
"Identifying as a animal.." she scoffed "I'm going to bed" I went up to my room I was about to cry when I heard my phone go off

Alex pov

I was bored and I decided I was gonna text Ethan
In text

Alex: Hey wanna hang out tomorrow after school?
Ethan: sure :)
Alex: ok cool :)
Ethan pov
i was about to cry about what my mother said but him texting me made it a bit better I was still sad but he took my mind off it..'im going to bed' i thought to myself

Hii so this my first ever book and Im sorry if this bad or has spelling mistakes 3:
If there are any please tell me :)

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