Skipping class

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Nobody's pov
The next morning Ethan was getting ready for school deciding what he should wear

Once he decided what to wear he walked out of his room and down the stairs and saw his mom staring at him
"You are not wearing that tail" he rolled his eyes "why not?" "Your not a animal" he sighed and continued walking out the door not stopping for breakfast he heard his mom yelling at him to come back but he didn't care he was going to wear his tail anyways

He arrived at the bus stop to see Alex getting picked on by the other kids waiting for the bus "what the fuck is wrong with you people.." he said in a slight whisper "what was that furry?" One of the kids said "I said what the fuck is wrong with you" he said again but louder this time "chill out we are just joking" Ethan rolled his eyes "joking by bullying someone for being themselves? Yea that's really funny.." he said sarcastically "get a hobby" he grabbed Alex by the hand "let's wait over there" Alex nodded "your not very talkative this morning" alex sighed

Alex pov
"Yea I didn't get enough sleep" I said to Ethan I wasn't technically lying but I wasn't telling the truth either I did get sleep but I had a dream shift that kinda scared me so I stayed up the rest of the night

The bus had arrived me and Ethan got
On the bus last so nobody would pull on our tails

It took me a while to realize but.. Ethan was holding my hand "uh Ethan?.." he turned his head towards me "yea what is it?" I looked down at our hands "your still holding my hand.." he looked down at our hands and quickly snatched his hand away "sorry" he said before getting onto the bus i sighed i didn't mind holding hands but i shrugged and got on the bus after him

Nobody's pov
Once they both sat down on the bus almost immediately papers and all sorts of things were getting thrown at them Alex covered his head so the bottles they were throwing wouldn't hurt as bad "these people are acting like a bunch of psychopaths..we aren't doing anything bad" Ethan said in a annoyed tone (A/N: lyrics from the song "therian love" :D) Alex nodded "this stuff hurts.." alex said putting his head down so he wouldn't get hit ad much

When the bus made it to the to the school ethan and alex both waited until everyone left so they didn't have to get pushed or kicked while trying to leave

After everyone left Ethan and Alex made their way out of the bus and into the school

They were in the hallway when all of the sudden Alex stopped and said "Ethan can we just skip? I don't feel like getting hit with paper today" Ethan had never skipped class before so he was unsure on what to say but then he nodded "sure..but won't we get in trouble" Alex shook his head no "this school never reports stuff..why do you think we get bullied everyday?"ethan was a little scared but alex said it was ok "Ok but..where will we go?" "let's go to the roof!" Alex said excitedly

Ethan pov

Once we got to the roof Alex sat on the edge with his feet hanging off "Alex isn't that a little dangerous?" He nodded "yea but..I do this all the time I'll be fine" I walked up to him and sat on the edge next to him

we were just sitting there until I heard squealing noises? and I turned to see him doing red panda vocals
So I did the same and did fennec fox vocals he heard Alex stop "Ethan..we should probably get back out class is probably over by now" I nodded "yea" I stood up and held out my hand so Alex could get up he took my hand stood up and started heading back inside the school
Still Ethan's pov

Once we made it to our next class our teacher stopped us "where have you two been?" the teacher said crossing her arms "bathroom!" Alex yelled a little to loud "together?" A kid sitting in their seat said the class laughed
"No not together you idiot" I said annoyed "just sit down" the teacher said while staring at us

Me and Alex sat down next to each other and again like always papers were being thrown at us

After people stopped throwing as much one last person threw a paper airplane at Alex

Alex pov
Somebody threw a paper airplane at me I was a little scared to open it but I unwrapped it and read it to myself
I could hear kids laughing at me as a read it

/note: you and your furry friend should just die already I saw you guys on the roof you must really think you are a animal just kys/

After I read that I stood up from my seat ripped the paper and walked out of the class

Ethan pov
I saw Alex stand up rip the paper airplane and walk out the classroom I was confused so I stood up grabbed the ripped paper put the pieces together and read it..after I saw what it said I walked out of the class following after Alex the teacher was yelling at us to come back but I didn't care I wanted to see if my friend was okay
Still Ethan pov
After I cought up with Alex i grabbed his hand "Alex? What's wrong..?" He slowly turned his head and I could see that he was crying "Alex..? Don't listen to those dickheads they don't-" Alex got closer to me and hugged me before I could finish my sentence i slowly hugged him back "it will be okay Alex.." i said while rubbing his back "I'm gonna take a break from school.." i nodded "That's okay take all the time you need" after I said that Alex stopped hugging me and walked off school was almost over so most likely he wasn't going to get in trouble for this

___(Ethan is at home now)___

"Ethan.." my mother said in a angry tone "yes mom.." I was confused why was she mad? I thought to myself "why the fuck did I get a call from your school saying you skipped class"
I froze
'this school can't report me and my friend getting harassed every day but they can report me skipping class??' "I'm sorry mother.." she rolled her eyes "just go I'm going to bed.." 'thats all she ever does just sleep and drink alcohol' i did the same as her and went to bed 'wonder if alex is okay' i heard my phone buzz when I picked it up it was Alex texting me

Alex: sorry we didn't get to hang out
Ethan: it's ok :)
Alex: Goodnight Ethan
Ethan: goodnight Alex
Soon after texting Alex Ethan fell asleep


A/N: that's all have a good rest of your day! :3

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