Missing Alex+new student

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(A/N:Most of this is Ethan's pov)

Ethan pov

It's been a week since Alex went to school I'm starting to miss him a lot the bullying has been getting really bad and my mom is starting to do worse things then just tell me not to wear my tail..she has start to hit me and she's starting to drink again

I miss Alex even though we have been texting I still miss him I asked him to
come back today I don't know if he will but I would be really happy if he did
____(Ethan is in class now)___
I was bored in class I didn't think Alex was gonna show up today because class had already started but then he walked through the door "Alex?" I said quietly he looked at me and smiled "oh! Welcome back Alex" the teacher said Alex looked back at the teacher and just nodded

Alex walks over to me and sits in his seat "Alex! I missed you" I said smiling Alex laughed "I missed you too Ethan"
I wanted to hug him but..we were in class so I couldn't "alright class so we will have another new student joining us.." the teacher said the students were whispering things like "again?" Or "we just got one a week ago" the teacher nodded her head "yes again..you may come in now!" After she said that a girl walked through the door and gasping was heard from all over the room

She was wearing two tails one was a bright red and the other a dark brown she had aroace and transgender pins she had on a all black dress with tons of black accessories she looked awesome I looked over at alex and his jaw was on the floor i could tell he was excited to see more people wearing tails

I could hear students whispering things like "no way.. another furry?"
Or "is she emo??" The teacher spoke up and said "you can sit there" she pointed to the back of the class the girl shook her head "No I'll sit there" she said pointing at the seat next to me

Most of the seats around us were empty because nobody wanted to sit next to ("furrys")

The teacher shrugged "if you want"
Once she sat next to me she immediately said "Hey I'm Leilani! Lani for short" as she said that she was smiling ear to ear "you guys look cool.. let's be friends!" She was so outgoing but her appearance made her look scary "i- sure!..im Ethan and this is Alex" Alex waved at her "so are you guys therians? Or just cool people who wear tails" she asked with excitement "we are therians..you?" Alex said happily "I'm both a therian and otherkin!" She was so talkative and Happy

___(Lunch time)___
Ethan pov

"we should all eat lunch together!" Lani suggested Alex smiled at that "Definitely it will be cool to have another therian around!" I smiled at Alex he was so happy to see more therians he was like this when he met me..but honestly I was a bit jealous usually all his attention is on me
But I can't be jealous..I mean we are just friends anyway..when we made it to our spot under a tree lani spoke up "so what are your kintypes?" She said taking a bite of her sandwich "red panda" Alex said also taking a bite of his food Lani looked at me "and what about you?" I looked back at her "fennec fox" I smiled "cool!" "What about you Lani?" "Dragon and a wolf!" She said loudly almost every time she talked she was loud "awesome!" Alex said happily

___(time skip to after school cus I'm lazyyyy)_____

Leilani pov
School was over and I had such a good day! I made new friends and they are awesome I can't wait to see them  again tomorrow

I made it to my house and walked in to see my mother waiting for me
"Hi son" I frowned at that "son?" I questioned ".. don't tell me your still going through that phase.." she said in a disgusted tone"phase? Guess I've been going through this phase for years" I said sarcastically "guess so.." she glanced down at my pride pins and sighed "calling yourself trans and aroace.. every human has romantic feelings" I could tell she was annoyed "guess I'm not human then" she rolled her eyes "Oh my.. don't even get me started on that otherkin shit" i decided to just leave she was getting on my nerves so i just walked to my room

I could here her yelling random shit at me but I didn't care

When I made it to my room I put on some different clothes and just relaxed in my bed until I fell asleep

____next morning____
Lani was getting dressed and decided on a black dress with a corset and chocker and her two tails
(Example on what she wore
I do not know who the picture is of
:(( found on Google)

She felt really pretty (bc you areee :3)
She walked out of her room and into the kitchen were her mom stood she was just about to walk out the door when her mom stopped her

"what the fuck are you wearing" I rolled my eyes and looked over to her "a black dress..a chocker oh! And some tails" She glared at me "a dress?..who bought you that because I serenity didn't..you were also wearing one yesterday"

I was confused? Obviously I bought them myself "I did?" She shook her head "first calling your self a female then telling me you identify as a animal..now your stealing?" I was shocked..she really thought I would steal? "I don't have time for this today I'm leaving" I walked out the door and began walking to my school

Nobody's pov

Lani had finally made it to school
She didn't take the bus so she had to walk everyday

She walked into her class to see people throwing shit at Alex and Ethan "knock it off assholes" she said sitting down in her seat next to Ethan

The kids kept throwing things so she grabbed her book and threw it at a kid "what the fuck" it said "I told you to knock it off..should have listed bitch" Ethan and Alex looked at Lani in shock and then all of the sudden she heard a squeak from Alex "Your so cool!" He said trying to whisper

"Thanks dude" Lani said smiling

Ethan pov
Alex was calling Lani cool? I mean she is cool but how come he never calls me cool? I huffed and just continued listening to them talk

Lani pov
I could tell Ethan was jealous I thought it was pretty funny he knows I don't like Alex but he still wants his attention "hey you guys want to eat lunch on the roof?" I suggest Alex nods "sure!"I look at Ethan "and what about you?" he doesn't move or even look at me "Mhm" he hummed

Ethan pov
Alex was talking to me about a shift he had the way he explained it was funny to me "AND THEN I WAS ON THE VERY TOP OF THE TREE" I giggled at his excitement "that's cool Alex" I said patting his head

Alex pov
I was explaining a shift I had had before and suddenly he was patting my head this made me blush (from embarrassment btw 😋) I don't know why but I started to get tired and laid down on him (EEKK CRINGE?)
I could see Lani staring at us shocked Ethan didn't really reacted to what I did "WOW ok..!" she just continued talking after she said that
_skip to when they went home_
Alex pov
I had fun but Im real tried now so I went up the stairs put on some different clothes and went to sleep


I got a little lazy  at the end but that's okay - I'm a new writer so please don't judge how bad this is😭

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