𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐮𝐩 ✰ ~ 𝗺𝐚𝐭𝐭

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i've been best friends with nick for as long as i can remember.

i'm obviously friends with matt and chris but i'm just not as close with them as i am with nick. but i have had a slight minuscule crush on matt since i was 14.

i tried everything to get over him because i mean it's kinda weird dating your best friends brother but i couldn't.

not when his brown hair, blue eyes, goofy smile and surprisingly good fashion exists.

i'm in the living room with the triplets, watching a film.

i'm sat in between nick and matt and i have to try and stop the smile daring to creep onto my face when mine and matts knees touch and he leaves his knee there.

our shoulders are almost touching and matts arm is around the couch but not quite touching me.

at some point, nick and chris are talking to each other silently despite being on opposite sides of the couch.

suddenly, nick stands up causing me and matt to look at him.

"i need to do something" he says, acting weird,
"chris" he says in an almost threatening way.

chris quickly stands up and stands next to nick. "yea we uh need to go do something. see ya later" chris days before him and nick scurry away to nicks room.

now me and matt are alone. knees touching. shoulders almost touching. his arm nearly properly around me.

nicks pov

me and chris made a plan earlier on in the day that we would watch a film, make sure that matt and y/n are next to each other and then leave at some point.

matt told me and chris that he likes her after me and chris spent ages pestering him about it since he wouldn't shut up about her.

and it's just clear that y/n likes matt to everyone. except matt. kid is blind as shit.

anyway, i stand up and get chris to follow along. it wasn't smooth. they clearly suspected something was up but didn't question it. thank god.

anyway, we hoped that they would finally confess their feelings for each other if they were alone.

me and chris tried to tell matt that y/n likes him but he really wasn't having any of it. dumb bitch. joking, he's great. but he's not great at picking up on stuff like this.

y/n pov

at some point, i notice matt starting to act weird. he gets more fidgety so i turn to him.

"you okay?" i ask him out of genuine concern.

"what? oh uh yea i'm fine" that was not convincing whatsoever.

"you wanna talk about it?" i ask him. i don't want to push him but i might as well at least ask.

"no.. um can we talk though?" he looks like me whenever i have to interact with humans. he's nervous.

"yea. what's up?"

"i uh" he struggles to find his words.

"take your time" i give him a soft smile, trying to reassure him that it's okay.

he takes a deep breath before talking quickly which he doesn't do often, "i really like you. like really really like you. you're constantly on my mind and i've lost sleep because of it. i've never felt this way before and it's... kinda weird but in the best way possible. and you're like the best thing that's ever happened to me. your humour, your laugh, your smile, your hair, your voice. everything about you is just perfect. i like you a lot,

woah. that was... a lot but also the sweetest fucking thing ever.

"i like you too, matt. a lot. like so so much it's drives me insane" i was going to go on a rant about him like he did for me but he cut he short.

"can i uh.. can i kiss you?" he asks with pleading eyes.

i nod my head and before i know it, the arm on the couch is now around my shoulder and pulling me in close.

i put my hands on his face as we finally kiss each other.

when we pull away we both have smiles on our faces.

he opens his arms and i immediately climb into them, cuddling with him.

about half an hour later, chris and nick walk out of nicks room.

when they see us all i can hear for a few seconds is, "YES" "FUCKING FINALLY" "OH MY GOD" "I JUST- WOAH"

me and matt look at each other before looking back at them and laughing.

i keep my head on his chest, his arms around my waist as nick and chris come over and sit on the couch with us.

i've finally told him.
and he told me.
after years...

𝗺𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝗼𝐥𝗼 𝐢𝗺𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ✰Where stories live. Discover now