Chapter 4: Feeling The Homesickness

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Beast Boy: outfit is-


Trollzart, Pennywhistle, and Dante: Yay!

Beast Boy then sprouted wings from behind his back, and flew around happily. But after a little while he felt a little sad.

Beast Boy: Everything is beautiful😃. But I feel alone😥. (he started to get sadder and sadder as he said those words)

And now I miss my best🥺..(Sniffles while shedding tears) friend...🥺🥺

CYBORG!!! (He cries in agony as his tears flowed😭😭😭)

Beast Boy: And now I feel very homesick because I'm not with my best friend anymore. I don't like it here anymore! (He continued to sob😭😭😭😭)

He flew away far from the group in symphonyville. Dante, PennyWhistle, and Trollzart felt very bad for Beast Boy because he's now homesick and all alone without anybody to play with him.

But luckily Dante had an idea.

Dante: I know what to do! Come on!

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