ch. 3

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You were painting the words 'effort' for Itachiyama's banner, it was the school's phrase. Short and simple, you thought. The banner was yellow fading to green and you were painting the black text that was supposed to be in the middle.

You steadily painted '努' as Kira painted '力'. At least this was more of steady hands with letters rather than actually drawing things or people.

"Hey Shin, what do you wanna be when you grow up?" Rei asks as she fiddles with a roll of paper on her hands. "Mm, I haven't really decided yet." The girl smiles sweetly.

<center>What do you want to be?</center>

The question most teenagers try to avoid. The thought of being an adult sounds dreadful especially these days. What's so fun about being a slave to money?

As the asian stereotype goes, parents often suggest their child should take a course that has a board exam. Accounting, engineering, agriculture and..


Your mother was a former nurse who decided to work in Europe for a bit, she then met your dad and they made you. It's quite cliche how they met in Paris before it was ruined by the future years of tourism.

Despite happily living in France, your mother thought it was best for you to be raised in Japan, where she was originally from. She wanted you to be closer to your relatives considering your dad was distant from his own.

Your dad comes home to Japan every once in a while, usually during summer. Although, You call each other every now and then.

What would your dad think of Sakusa Kiyoomi?

As traditional courting goes, THE Sakusa Kiyoomi has to meet your father at some point.. that is if you were both together.

But you're not.

"[name], where do you think you'll end up as an adult?" Rei asks, pulling you back to reality.

Being lost in thought, you stammer through your answer. "Maybe.. I'll be in France, living with my dad." You mumbled.

"Damn, you have a dad? I thought you were fatherless." Rei jokes, chuckling along. You stop painting and look over at her with scrunched eyebrows. What did she just say to you..?

"Rei, stop that. It wasn't funny." Kira states in a serious tone. "Oh come on, it's not that bad. I mean, you're still in contact with him aren't you? I wouldn't be surprised though if you weren't." Rei continues to snicker.

No one else was laughing, just pure awkward silence. Others were trying not to get involved, continuing their part on the banner and avoiding eye contact. Others were just looking at Rei with a mixed expression.

Your heart begins to feel heavy, you wonder why there's pressure against your chest. Your hands start to tremble as your vision becomes a blur.

You hated crying, you hated showing how you were affected by such a simple joke. You aren't supposed to be conflicted by it.. yet why is there a lump on your throat?

"Are you okay, [name]?" A deep voice asks.

Your body moves on its own, trying to get away from everyone. Trying to get away from everything. You run to the nearest restroom, getting your handkerchief from your pocket. You quickly enter the nearest open stall and close the door.

You cover your lower half of your face so that the snot doesn't show and drip down. God, you regret... what?

You regret nothing, it's not their fault you're sensitive about missing one of the number 1 figures in your life. It's not your fault that it hurts.

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