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Cale mischievously smiled at the Golden Dragon and Alver Crossman.

The dragon smiled playfully and even lifted him in his arms.

"I'll be spending my time with my grandchild? Is that okay? You can come as well."

Woah. He's so elegant and decent to look at.

Cale did not expect in all places that the Golden Dragon would choose a fancy restaurant to talk to. He carefully sat in front of him and the Dragon was also looking at him.

"It's been a while."

"Yes, Eruhaben-nim."

"Not Grandpa."

"Grandpa Eru." he cheekily said, this dragon must've liked being called that.

The golden dragon looked at him and handed him a piece of paper.

"These are ancient texts that describe where the rest of the Ancient powers you need might be." His voice was solemn.

"Why are you helping me?"

"You are a pitiful child."

There was silence in between. Before Cale could say anything, the food was brought to him. The dragon looked at him and knew exactly what he was going to say.

"And I will continue to pity you," the golden dragon stated solemnly.

Cale could feel his eyes burning, but all he could offer this great being was a smile.

"Thank you for feeling sorry for me."

Sighing, the dragon said.

"Like you, I have a few years left in my life. Even if I am a being closer to perfection, every living being will eventually succumb to death," the dragon elegantly cuts the steak and places it before Cale, "but that does not mean I have not lived my life to the fullest."

"You are still young that these words mean nothing to you; you are just starting with the life you have," the dragon said, looking him in the eyes.

Cale frowned, but the next words took him by surprise once more.

"Even if I thought humans are hateful beings, you are still a child in my eyes, and it must have been difficult for you to try and change something without knowing when your life will end, child," the dragon said.

Not an unlucky bastard.

"Do you fear death?"

"No, I am not," Cale replied solemnly, "but even if I die, I know that someone loved me for who I am."

Cale continued, looking down with a sad smile, "What I am afraid of right now is... dying without someone by my side."

It was so sad that the Golden Dragon's heart began to pound loudly.

"Dying alone, with no one to remember, no one to be with, no one to care for me—that is what scares me the most," Cale said as if it were the most natural thing to say, "at least in this lifetime."

Eruhaben recognized that this child possessed the kind of charisma that drew people to him. His heart quivered as he heard his words, saw his gaze, and heard his firm tone.

I would like to see a memory of this child at his happiest.

For the first time in his life, he would like to see this little one smile and laugh.

It made him want to live a little longer just to see that moment again.

The child who swam into the lake had hallucinations and was unconcerned about the rest of the world.